Three more deflections avoiding the questions.
1) No answer provided for the reason why it is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom. The fact that we must be chosen to enter is not in dispute, but why it would be harder for a rich man to be chosen. Answer, unconditional election is bogus.
2) First they say we cannot have faith in God because we hate God at all times. Then they say we can have "vain faith" not instilled by irresistible grace. Wheels within wheels, folks, nonsense to hide nonsense. Our faith could not be in vain if it was instilled by irresistible grace. Answer, the gift of faith is bogus.
3) Obfuscation on display. Paul spoke as to men of flesh using spiritual milk, therefore logical necessity dictates men of flesh can understand and respond to spiritual milk. Any other answer is twaddle.
1) See above.
Unconditional election is a fact of Scripture.
It is also the only thing that makes salvation truly of grace, and does not involve things that a person can potentially take credit for, in order to gain God's favor and result in Him giving them that gift of eternal life.
In addition, here it seems you are contradicting yourself.
On the one hand you say believers
must be chosen to enter.
On the other, you state that unconditional election is bogus.
Is a person chosen, or aren't they?
If so, what is the
All men do not have faith ( 2 Thessalonians 3:2 ).
It's not that they have it and don't "exercise it"'s that many
simply do not have it...period.
They don't have it, because it hasn't been given to them ( Ephesians 2:8 ), to believe on Christ ( Philippians 1:29 ).
Paul is speaking in absolutes, there.
2) See above.
Mankind hates God unless the heart is changed to be disposed towards Him, instead of against Him.
"Vain faith" is what people have that do not believe from the heart ( Romans 10:9-10 ) and that are of the first 3 "soils" in the parable of the sower.
They cannot bring forth true fruit, spiritually.
always go back to the world and it's ways, and do not endure to the end of their lives, trusting in the Lord and prevailing through all their trials and tribulations without falling back into the world and its ways.
They are unable to continue in the word, learning of Christ and His doctrines, and are ever-learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
3) See above.
Paul spoke
to believers, not unbelievers.
They were not "men of flesh", despite their spiritual immaturity.
They were "of Christ" and "of God" ( John 8:47 ).
The words Paul spoke were not intended for the natural man who reads Scripture and is unable to discern it, spiritually ( 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 ).
My advice?
As a believer, take "logic" and toss it out the window ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ).
We as believers trust God's word
Because of that trust ( and the fact that we are born again and have His Spirit within us ), our way of thinking gets changed by it...instead of His word being subject to our way of thinking.
If you're looking to subject God's word to your understanding, then much of it will only seem contradictory, Van.
Someone who is taking the time to explain things, Scripturally, is not obfuscating, Van.
They are "laboring".
Trust the Lord to show you as you dig in and study His word, deeply.
It will pay off, if you are His.
I wish you well, sir.