Kind of...
I'm saying the immediate situation helps to understand the intent of the authors. I'm not denying the universal principles contained in the passage. For example, I affirm that one must be enabled in order to come.
Jon, note that in the context of the above phrase and Biblical context of John 6 that Skandelon is using "enabled" as a synonym for "draw" thus attempting to make "draw" the transfer of ability or power from God to man in order to simply place him in a neutral state for POTENTIALLY coming to Christ.
Skandelon knows he cannot support that meaning from the usage of "draw" in Scripture. He knows this is complete eisgesis and IMPOSSIBLE in regard to the very inherent nature of the Greek word "elkuo" translated "draw." Comiing is inherently inseparable from drawing as what is being drawn IS coming rather than providing potential to come. However, this is the extent Skandelon and other Arminians must go to in order to justify their unbiblical eisgeitical based interpretation of "draw."
Paul said, "How can they believe in one whom they have not heard?" In my view, that is virtually the same principle. One cannot come to the wedding banquet unless they have been invited, right? But once invited is there anything preventing their response?
He completely ignores that in the parable of the wedding which he directly alludes to, that ALL the guests first invited NONE came, while the second call went out with the command to "COMPEL" them to come. Hence, many are generally called by the gospel invitation but only those who actually corrrespond to the invitation are "chosen."
Paul's question in Rom 10 strongly suggests that if someone does hear about Christ they may believe.
This depends upon whether he is referring to EXTERNAL hearing or INTERNAL hearing. The natural heart has no such INTERNAL ability (Deut. 5:29) as this kind of ability must be given with a NEW heart (Deut. 29:4; Ezek 36:26-27; 2 Cor. 3:3; 4:6).
Why is that significant?
Because Jesus is intentionally speaking to Israel in parables and provoking teachings so that they CANNOT HEAR.
This is the case regardless of what portion of God's Word is being preached as only those "given" to the Son "shall" come" (Jn. 6:37-40) while those not given NEVER come (Jn. 6:36). Hence, the lost man has no spiritual ability because they are spiritually "dead" (Eph. 2:1,6; 1 Cor. 2:14).
He is speaking to them "in parables lest they hear and believe." (Mk 4; Matt. 13) In other words he is trying to keep them from hearing because he believes (as Non-Calvinists like I do) that IF THEY HEAR then they MAY BELIEVE.
Skandelon is presenting a self-contradiction. They "may" not hear BECAUSE Christ is purposely preventing such hearing and therefore they "can not" hear. Even his own disciples who are regenerated saved persons could not understand those parables without SPECIAL REVELATION and so those unbelievers without special revelation CANNOT hear or respond and be saved.
Hearing is the means for faith and so by preventing people from hearing the truth you will prevent them from believing the truth. Does that make sense?
The "rhema" (word of command - Rom. 10:17) must produce INTERNAL hearing as described in 2 Cor. 4:6 which is a CREATIVE WORD OF COMMAND as in Genesis 1:3 which eliminates all instrumental means "IN the heart" as the preachers of the gospel can only bring the gospel to the EXTERNAL ear of man but it is God alone who works "IN the heart" and that is by a creative command:
2 Cor. 4: 6 [
B]For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness[/B], hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
That is why the "substance" of the profession of faith does not originate with "flesh and blood" or human instrumentality (Mt. 16:17) but by direct revelation as a creative command of God (Gal. 1:15-16) and that is why one can know they are the elect if the gospel does not come in "word only" but "IN POWER and IN THE SPIRIT and IN MUCH ASSURANCE" - 1 Thes. 1:4-5.
Now, this truth creates a major problems for Calvinism.
Jon, you can readily see this is not "truth" but an abolute perversion of the Word of God.
Why would Christ need to speak in parables to prevent a Total Depraved non-elect Jew from believing the truth and being saved?
Because hardening is a PROCESS from one stage to another stage so that in each stage GOD GIVES THEM OVER to a lower or more hardened condition (Rom. 1:18-32). Israel had been given over to false religion, false doctrine already and now with the incarnation of Light and rejection they are now being given over to another stage of the hardening process.
However, this is the case with every fallen man as soon as they can recognize conscience, which they always resist to some extent (Jn. 3:19-20) because the fallen condition is at enmity with light and thus anyone coming to the light is due to God's work alone (Jn. 3:21).