This is a failure to distinguish between "dead" "vain" and saving faith. No demons posses or are given saving faith. More importantly the NATURE of demons prohibits the possiblity of saving faith as their nature is "enmity against God and is not subject to" obedience to the gospel or any other law of God. This is your problem with the fallen nature as you really do not understand the nature of sin as you define sin merely superficially rather than how God defines sin. Please challenge me on this point!!!
Its what you do with the faith that is granted. Faith is granted in the sense that the 'HEARING' is faith comes by hearing.
I have exposed this fallacious interpretation of Romans 10:17 countless times and yet you still come back repeating the same erroneous things. 2 Cor 4:6 explains Romans 10:17 in the same context of preaching the gospel (2 Cor. 4:4-5, 7). The "word" by which faith comes is the word OF COMMAND as clearly described in 2 Cor. 4:6 and the "substance" necessary for saving faith to exist "in our heart" is "given" by the creative command of God and thus does not originate externally from human instruments (Mt. 16:17; Gal. 1:15-16) as your system of interpretation erroneously demands.
They can't come unless they are invited and if you invite someone then you are GRANTING them the ability to come.
You continue to ignore the CLEAR distinction between the general call in the wedding parable where NONE met the qualifications of the invitation whereas only the effectual call ("compel them") is the only call that provided qualified guests. Hence, many are called (general and effectual) but few are chosen (effectual).
Same thing here. The reason men don't have faith is because they don't hear.
You continue to ignore the hard facts of scripture that distinguish between EXTERNAL versus INTERNAL hearing and that the INTERNAL fallen heart has no ability to hear and no external instrument can convey that ability (Deut. 5:29; 29:4) but that ability is only conveyed by INTERNAL IMMEIDATE and direct command by God as in creation of light (2 Cor. 4:6).
The word is only used 8 times in the bible but it is used in extra-biblical texts too. Scholars agree that besides meaning 'drag' it can also mean 'lead' or 'impel'
First, the Bibiical use establishes the Holy Spirit's use of it rather than extra Biblical secular usage.
Second, the term is used in scripture as the IMMEDIATE and DIRECT CAUSE for coming to Christ rather than some transferrable ability or potential indirect consequence.
Third, the fact that "some" who professed Christ, submitted to baptism were NEVER drawn, NEVER "urged", NEVER pursauded, and NEVER appealed (Jn. 6:64-65) completely and utterly destroys your whole interpetative scheme.
Now allow me to DRAW you attention to another point...
You are using the term contrary to the scriptural usage as it is not used to refer to EXTERNAL means but INTERNAL as the problem is not external but internal. Hence, reading, studying and anything else originating from "flesh and blood" is not what Jesus is talking about (Mt. 16:17; 2 Cor. 4:6; Gal. 1:15-16).
Inherent in the very meaning of "draw" is the inseparable action of coming or else whatever is being drawn is not being drawn. This term has no Biblical or secular support for the interpretation you are forcing upon it.
Granted, every translation is an interpretation, but even the word 'draw' in the english (which many english translators are obviously ok with using) doesn't carry an effectual connotation. This is why translators don't use the word 'drag' in this verse while they do in verses having to do with fish and being dragged into prison. If they all agreed with your assessment why don't more translators use the word 'drag?' And again, why do Calvinist continually insist that no one is saved against their will, or by force, while at the same time arguing for this particular translation?
The translation "drag" is used in the context of human application to EXTERNAL things which can be dragged. The term "draw" is used in the context of Divine application to INTERNAL things that men are TOTALLY INCAPABLE of moving - "no man can" whereas YOUR application is in the context of men applying this when the context is about what NO MAN can do. The term "come" in context is synonymous with "believing" in Christ and that is what only God can do as faith is "the work of God" (Jn. 6:29) and only possible for those the Father gives to the Son as none other can "come" but those given as John 6:64-65 proves beyond dispute.