With the growing number of murders and violence involving guns, would it be prudent to support gun control in order to bring an end to senseless violence and loss of lives?
How would taking/keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens control the number of murders and senseless violence?
More importantly, if the church, not the brick and mortar building, but the body of born-again believers often referred to as the true church were to support a movement to end the ownership of guns, would you support it to save the lives of the innocent victims around our country?
How would taking guns away from law abiding citizens save the lives of innocent people?
Look at the case in New Jersey where a woman was murdered by her ex while awaiting for a gun permit. The protection order did not stop the murder.
In this case, and in many others, it is the gun control law that is responsible for her death. Had she been able to defend herself, the murderous ex would be dead and she would still be alive.
I think it is too early to make it a political issue, but the killings at the Charleston AME church Wednesday happened in a "gun free zone."
Every school shooting in the US has been in a "gun free zone."
So far no gun control law takes guns out of the hands of criminals. Criminals don't obey laws. That is why they are criminals.
Jesus told us in Luke 22:36, "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
If gun control laws work why not make laws against heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth? That will take the drugs off the streets, right?
Oh, wait, . . .