Peace brothers. 5 point Classical Arminian Baptist here.
I've been thinking on the root of belief for a few days and would like to hear your opinions.
How would a free will believer (aka non-Calvinist) explain why they have believed? They chose to believe and submit to God, but why? Why they said yes to the Spirit while others say no?
Is it due to previous personal experiences that make their heart more or less harden, and them more or less prideful? But in this case, one could argue that being born in a certain environment/family, would pre-dispose you to accept or reject the Lord. If God appointed you to be born in a certain circumstance, and that circumstance influences your decision, isn't God kinda forcing/suggesting you on your decision?
Now, against this environment argument is the angel's rebellion. Why 1/3 rebelled while 2/3 didn't, if they all had the same circumstances and all lived in Heaven in the Lord's presence?
I fail to understand the deciding factor and how would that be a sole, fully independent free will decision.
THIS is FUNNY, as it is God Bringing Glory to Himself, in spite of the O.P.:
If God appointed you to be born in a certain circumstance,
This is what I think, "why they believe", maybe better than Arminians do.
Decisionism: In opposition to the Doctrine of
or "
Irresistible Grace" (1689,
10* and
20:4**), the error of Decisionism,
building on the error of Prevenient Grace,
claims that some men, of their "own free will",
"use"(?) or "cooperate"(?) with the "Divine Enablement"(?)
of Prevenient Grace and are saved,
while others, also of their "own free will",
"choose not to use" or to "cooperate" with God's Prevenient Grace
and perish in their sins.
Thus, according to the
False Doctrine of Decisionism,
the decisive factor in the Conversion of a sinner
is the sinner's decision and cooperation,
not God's Decision and Regeneration.
We're dealing with what God has Revealed to Mankind,
in the following Scriptures.
(Not what carnal-minded "man" reasons out, using a mind
that was, and is, affected by The Fall of Adam
and is dead to "the Things of God" that are Spiritually Decerned.)
1 Corinthians 2:14
King James Version
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
*Effectual Calling
Those whom God hath predestinated unto Life,
He is Pleased in His Appointed, and Accepted Time,
Romans 8:30 ►
"Moreover whom He did Predestinate, them He also Called:
and whom He Called, them He also Justified:
and whom He Justified, them He also Glorified."
Rom. 11.7. Eph. 1.10,11. 2 Thes. 2.13,14.
Effectually to Call by His word, and Spirit, out of that state of sin, and death,
in which they are by Nature, to Grace and Salvation
b Eph. 2.1-6. by Jesus Christ;
Enlightening their minds, Spiritually, and Savingly to
c Act. 26.18. Eph. 1.17.18.
understand the Things of God; taking away their
d Ezk. 36.26.
heart of stone,
and giving unto them a heart of flesh;
Renewing their wills, and by His Almighty Power Determining them
e Deut. 30 6. Ezek. 36.27. Eph. 1.19.
to that which is Good, and Effectually Drawing them to Jesus Christ;
yet so as they Come
f Ps. 110.3. Cant. 1.4.
most freely, being made willing by His Grace.
g 2 Tim. 1.9. Eph. 2.8.
not from anything at all foreseen in man, nor from any power,
or agency in the Creature, coworking with His Special Grace,
h 1 Cor. 2.14. Eph. 2.5. Joh. 5.25.
the Creature being wholly passive therein, being dead in sins and trespasses,
until being Quickened & Renewed by the Holy Spirit,
he is thereby Enabled to Answer this Call,
and to Embrace the Grace Offered and Conveyed in it;
and that by The Power, that Raised up Christ from the Dead.
i Eph. 1.19,20.
19 "And what is the Exceeding Greatness of His Power
to us-ward who believe, according to the Working of His Mighty Power,
20 Which He Wrought in Christ, when He Raised Him from the Dead,
and set Him at His Own Right Hand in the Heavenly Places,"
4. Although the Gospel is the only outward means,
of revealing
Christ, and saving Grace;
and is, as such, abundantly sufficient thereunto;
yet that men who are dead in Trespasses may be born again,
Quickened or Regenerated;
there is moreover necessary, an effectual,
insuperable (impossible to overcome)
h Ps. 110.3. 1 Cor. 2.14. Eph. 1.19 20
Work of the Holy
Spirit, upon the whole Soul,
for the Producing in them a New Spiritual Life;
without which no other means will Effect
i Joh. 6.44. 2 Cor. 4.4.6.
their Conversion unto God.
Man by his fall into a state of sin
hath wholly lost
d Rom. 5.6. ch. 8.7.
all ability of Will, to any spiritual good accompanying salvation;
so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good,
e Eph. 2.1.5.
and dead in Sin, is not able, by his own strength,
to f Tit. 3 3,4,5. Joh. 6.44.
convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto.
Why not include the issue of, "sin",
as these passages do in their preceding verses?
Does, "sin", exist in your plan of Salvation?
Rom 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
is True enough, however, this fact doesn't Save.
Does, "CONVICTION", exist in your plan of Salvation?
Not only mental persuasion but SPIRITUAL,
HEART-FELT CONVICTION is an absolute necessity
if the soul is to be CONVERTED to CHRIST.
An individual sinner must be CONVICTED of SIN
and their heart must be Smitten with Godly Sorrow over their SIN.
Does, "REPENTANCE", exist in your plan of Salvation?
REPENTANCE TOWARD GOD of their SIN must be Wrought in them,
before they will, in fact, Come to CHRIST.
Luke 13:5; "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent,
ye shall all likewise perish."
The Law was Given that SIN might appear SINFUL
and individual sinners might (in their hearts) realize their GUILT.
Prior to Romans 3:21;
The "Roman's Road", is The Road to Hell, without:
Romans 3:19-20;
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith,
it saith to them who are under the law:
that every mouth may be stopped,
and all the world may become guilty before God.
Therefore by the deeds of the law
there shall no flesh be justified in his sight:
for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
Decisionism; i.e., MENTAL / PHYSICAL CONSENT to "trust", "believe",
"have faith", have "true trust",
"calling upon The Name of The Lord",
"Making Jesus The Lord of your life, "not wanting to be 'Left Behind',
"believing on The Lord Jesus Christ"
Does, "REGENERATION", exist in your plan of Salvation?
I SEE NO REGENERATION in most 'plans of salvation'.
The lost sinner must be, "lost",
and have a soul-Wrought NEED for a SAVIOR before they are SAVED.