I'm not surprised, we have been bombarded with the homosexual agenda for several years now and the Obama admin. has made this a big priority. We all know that homoexuals make up less than 10% of the public and more likely it is 5% or less. Why is it that the majority always have to cow under to the monority. If the church doesn't stand up to this immorality we will be ruled by it more and more. The major question for us is, "what will satnding against this mean?" Are we ready to be like Daniel and suffer any consequences of denying to bow to the gay agenda? I'm in the military and it has already started with the gay briefings, so far they are OK, but if it gets sick, I'm gone.
I'm for taking a stand and hitting it head on.
SolaSaint, so you'll be getting out before Obama makes it mandatory, huh? Don't blame you. I'm a veteran - Vietnam Era. There is no room in the military for such nonsense. Course, there's always been a few that got in but they kept it to themselves.
Alive in Christ, I'm like you. In my mid 60's and looking to go home. Course, all my children and grand children will be here. So sad.