Just hours ago, Officer Wilson' attorney announced the resignation of the embattled police officer at the middle of the Ferguson shooting of Michael Brown, is complete!
From my point of view, this is sad, but probably best for Wilson and his family and the FPD. Still, this senseless killing has taken a bite out of one more person, ending the career of a good police officer just doing his job.
What I see is Michael Brown reaching out from the cold depths of his grave to continue racial divide across this nation, generate anger that continues to grow in his memory, and now, the career and livelihood of a good police officer doing his job has been permanently and prematurely ended. And what for? For a hand full of stolen cigars. What a waste of Michael Brown's life and now the career of this officer.
Let's include in our prayers a prayer for the Wilson family as well as the Browns, who have had to live with the death of their son since August, and the memory of his death will continue to be pushed into the faces until the media lets this thing go to bed for a long winter's nap! :tear:
Just hours ago, Officer Wilson' attorney announced the resignation of the embattled police officer at the middle of the Ferguson shooting of Michael Brown, is complete!
From my point of view, this is sad, but probably best for Wilson and his family and the FPD. Still, this senseless killing has taken a bite out of one more person, ending the career of a good police officer just doing his job.
What I see is Michael Brown reaching out from the cold depths of his grave to continue racial divide across this nation, generate anger that continues to grow in his memory, and now, the career and livelihood of a good police officer doing his job has been permanently and prematurely ended. And what for? For a hand full of stolen cigars. What a waste of Michael Brown's life and now the career of this officer.
Let's include in our prayers a prayer for the Wilson family as well as the Browns, who have had to live with the death of their son since August, and the memory of his death will continue to be pushed into the faces until the media lets this thing go to bed for a long winter's nap! :tear: