Let's narrow the focus of this thread a bit.
A local assembly is formed with the word Baptist in their name. Then, after x period of time, the church drops the word Baptist from their name.
IMO, it isn't much ado about nothing, if a local assembly, drops "Baptist" in order to conform to the world in some measure. If I understand correctly, the purpose of a church is to serve the needs of those already in the body of Christ. Then, those members go out to proclaim the gospel.
If that is true, why should a church act like a movie theater or sports arena -- ie make itself a lure to bring in crowds? If the crowds don't like the "entertainment, then, the individuals in the crowds won't come back.
There's a drive-in theater in a nearby town. All the others that I know about have either been torn down or converted to other uses, such as flea markets when drive-in's lost their appeal to John Q Public. Back in the 60's, going to a drive-in was the "thing to do" on a Friday/Saturday night, here in the south.
The remaining drive-in survived by switching from family rated entertainment to triple XXX rated movies. The sign out front was changed to reflect what was going on inside.
I know that's an extreme example, and I don't in any way mean to imply worship of our Lord is being compared directly to x rated movies. It is being used to reflect
changing what's on the sign in front of a church is important.
If Baptists (whatever the flavor)
stop proclaiming their faith, then aren't they, indeed conforming to the world in some manner? I am a Baptist. This is what I stand for. I am not a Catholic, Morman, Jehovah's Witness, Methodist, Congregational Christian, Church of God, Muslim, Hindu, or any other "religious" belief system.
Over the centuries, Baptists have been persecuted by "Christians" and non-Christians, alike. That's happened here in this country, even though it was founded on freedom of religion.
Outline of Baptist Persecution in Colonial America
Protestant Persecution of Baptists in Early America
A Historical Account of the Brutal Punishment Inflicted Upon Elder Obadiah Holmes and Other Baptist Brethren
Lengthy article on Baptist persecution in England and the US.
Yesterday, men upholding the banner of BAPTIST suffered much.
Today, men are hiding the banner of BAPTIST because others might not like it.
"but this seems much ado about nothing"
Are you sure?