lawyers, car salesmen, and members of Congress!
Americans’ views of the honesty of members of the clergy has reached an all-time low. Only 37 percent of those polled gave clergy a “very high/high rating.” In 1985, the highest, the poll rated clergy at 67 percent.
The question was:
No surprise among ministers that public doesn’t trust clergy
[Warning: Though accurately reporting on the poll, the article also inserts some slanted opinion.]
Americans’ views of the honesty of members of the clergy has reached an all-time low. Only 37 percent of those polled gave clergy a “very high/high rating.” In 1985, the highest, the poll rated clergy at 67 percent.
The question was:
Please tell me how you would rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields -- very high, high, average, low, or very low.
No surprise among ministers that public doesn’t trust clergy
[Warning: Though accurately reporting on the poll, the article also inserts some slanted opinion.]