I can say that I don't know if it was the right thing or wrong thing to do to go to war in Iraq. The people there are ungrateful and the intelligence information seems (notice I say seems) to have been faulty in large part. I know thousands of our troops have died and been physically and psychologically damaged because of the war in Iraq. But at the end of the day and at the end of the year and the end of the Bush administration, I can truthfully say that I am grateful we have not had any more terrorist attacks on our mainland US soil. So perhaps the Bush strategy was the correct one, the lesser one of two evils - we took the fight to them instead of fighting them on the homeland. That may not be how it is in the future, but up to now, it seems to me like he was wise to take the battle to them over there in their muslim lands and the strategy kept us safe at home.
I thank all of our American and coalition forces who willingly gave up their lives and sacrificed all to follow orders and be deployed to a foreign land, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq or stationed in Germany, or on a ship in the Persian Gulf, wherever their duty has called them. I am grateful - for President Bush, for our troops, for our freedoms we still have in America, for being allowed to worship, for our liberties, for all of our blessings, and most of all for the Hand of Protection from Almighty God at the close of 2008.
Until Jesus Comes, I remain Grateful,
I thank all of our American and coalition forces who willingly gave up their lives and sacrificed all to follow orders and be deployed to a foreign land, whether in Afghanistan or Iraq or stationed in Germany, or on a ship in the Persian Gulf, wherever their duty has called them. I am grateful - for President Bush, for our troops, for our freedoms we still have in America, for being allowed to worship, for our liberties, for all of our blessings, and most of all for the Hand of Protection from Almighty God at the close of 2008.
Until Jesus Comes, I remain Grateful,