I don't know of anyone that puts down the KJV on this board. I believe the KJV is an excellent translation.
Well, the NASB came from the NA/25 if you want to be technical.

However, the NWT shouldn't even be in the consideration. First, it comes from the Westcott and Hort text of 1881 and only used the NA 18 as a reference and not as a main source. The main problem with the NWT is not the textual source but the purposfully attempt to remove doctrines from the Bible. To compare the NWT with the ESV/NASB/NIV is disingenuous at best.
It's not a translation. The NA 27 is Greek and it's sources are greek. It uses more sources that those that are just Alexandrian. It's not a translation. It's the same language. There are many differences between the Westcott and Hort text of 1881 and the NA text. Neither are translations. Not at all. The NASB is very literal and more so that the KJV. The ESV and the KJV are very close. The NIV is less so, but not a paraphrase. and???? The NASB is not even close to a "dynamic" translation As was the NASB and the ESV NASB is definatly more word for word. the KJV doesn't come from the Majority Text. The Majority Text and the TR disagree many times. (Either around 1200 or 1700. can't remember which)
while I don't disagree that money may have to do with having so many translation, that can't be said to be the case every time. You need to get your fact strait. You can believe what you want, but you can't change facts.