and that's why Biden and other abortion supporters are called :"cafeteria Catholics". This draft is a direct attack on the thing they love the most, abortion.
Notice they filled Breyer's vacancy while he's still on the court, could be an attempt to stack it. This leak was a Hail Mary pass, IMO - some liberal clerk (*cough**cough* Anit-what's-his-face, he has connections with this Politco person) did this to cause lefty outrage in order to put the squeeze on some wobblers. They did this years ago with Sandra Day O'Conner, she was ready to overturn this awful decision and was pressured to change her mind, although SCOTUS kept that one to themselves.
This is unprecedented, the leak, SCOTUS was the only branch of government to be leak-proof until now. I can't see one of them flipping, maybe Kavanaugh but he should remember how the left treated him. RvW was arguably the worst decision ever by SCOTUS, even the notorious RBG said it was deeply flawed, the overturn is long, long overdue.