“it is giuen vnto you to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen”
The disciples asked Jesus, why did he speak unto them in parables?
“He answered, and said vnto them, Because it is giuen vnto you to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen, but to them it is not giuen” (Mat.13:11). People who love lies and eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge are not given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. They, seeing the creations of God and hearing the Word of God, should not
“vnderstand with their heart” (Mat.13:15) and will continue to serve idols.
“It is the glory of God to conceale a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter” (Prov.25:2).
We examined the historical significance of Bible verses written by the prophet Moses. They are accessible for interpretation to any person,
“Who hath eares to heare” (Mat.13:9). But Scripture has double authorship. And now, in order to understand what the Author of the Scriptures himself tells us, we will consider the prophetic meaning of these verses (Gen.11:1-9). He, as a rule, is hidden from the reader, and only a person who trusts the Word of God understands it.
“And they sayd one to another; Goe to, let vs make bricke, and burne them thorowly. And they had bricke for stone, and slime had they for morter.
And they said; Goe to, let vs build vs a city and a tower, whose top may reach vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a name, lest we be scattered abroad vpon the face of the whole earth” (Gen.11:3‑4).
These verses show the essence of all religions. Religion teaches that to receive salvation, to “reach heaven”, it is possible, having justified ourselves by our deeds, it is said:
“let vs build vs”, “let vs make”. Numerous bricks in the tower structure are like the fruits of man’s works brought to God by him. It is said: let us
“burne them thorowly”. A man bears the fruits of his labors and places them on the altar for a burnt offering. He believes that he pleased God, but the Scripture says:
“Wo vnto them, for they haue gone in the way of Kain” (Jude 1:11). God does not accept such an offering (Gen.4:3-5)!
The first thought occurs to a person, and he exclaims: “But let’s do it like this. It seems to me that it will be better.” The LORD gave the man His Word, a detailed “instruction” on how to receive eternal life, but the man with the words,
“Goe to, let vs make” changes the rules as he pleases.
In the words
“may reach” there is a doubt in the implementation of such work. The builders have no confidence that this tower will one day reach heaven. This means that a religious person, having faith, does not have confidence in his salvation, because he believes in God, but does not believe God. And only a person who trusts the Word of God has confidence in his future.
Further, in these verses there is a reason why people turn to religion:
“lest we be scattered abroad”. In other words, so that we do not disappear in eternity, do not go into non-existence. In the words of the tower builders, even having made a name for themselves, fear is felt. They still heard that hell is. All religious people of the world go together on one broad road to perdition.
Ҧ Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which goe in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth vnto life, and few there be that finde it” (Mat.7:13-14)
MANY choose the easy way.
“Therefore is the name of it called Babel, because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad vpon the face of all the earth. (Gen.11:9).
It turns out that in English the meaning of some words of the Bible is more clear. Babel -- noise, mixing languages. The English text of the King James Bible (KJV 1611) is accurate and perfect, it allows you to see two different cities. Babel and Babylon the names are consonant and the meaning is the same, but these are two different cities, therefore they are written differently. There is a need to be careful about every word of the Bible.
The city, which is a hotbed of religion around the world, Scripture generically calls - Babylon. Under the name of Babylon, the Scriptures show us a city in which truth is mixed with falsehood and this poison is scattered throughout the earth, it is said:
“there confound” “and from thence” “scatter them abroad”. This is its own city and its own tower in it for each time period. The first such city was Alexandria of Egypt. The first builders of its tower were pagan philosophers who founded the Alexandrian school. In an attempt to reach heaven, its philosophers wrote an Egyptian family of manuscripts to replace the divine Greek text of Christians from Antioch.
Then Rome took the baton. The tower in the city is the Roman Catholic Church, the builders of which, in a fit of desire to reach heaven, have appropriated the right of the highest authority on Scripture issues. The third and last city will be Moscow, it is mentioned in the Scriptures as the great Whore (Rev.17). The time will come when the Kremlin will turn into the Orthodox Vatican. The Orthodox Church is also like a tower in a city whose builders would also like to reach heaven. And a great many people will take part in this work, it is said: the
“great Citie” (Rev.17:18). There is an expression: “Moscow is the third Rome”, it is truly prophetic. But it would be more correct to say: “Moscow is the third Babylon.” This will be the third and last Babylon in the history of mankind. It will reach its climax and will rapidly disappear. The third Babylon will be destroyed so that there will be no man or cattle left in it, and this place will be an eternal wilderness (Jer.51:62) - complete destruction.
“So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence, vpon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the Citie” (Gen.11:8)
Using the example of building a tower and a city in Ur of the Chaldeans, the Author of Scripture shows us a great many people united by the goal of reaching heaven, but at the same time, here are miracles, they are going in the opposite direction --
“in the way of Kain”. Kain had both faith and works, but God cursed him.
Satan has the power to give man what he has actually chosen in life. Man loved formality and untruth!? There is no doubt that he will receive a perverse mind and strong delusion! And Satan has this authority from God (2Thess.2:11-12). Even if such persons picks up the Bible and reads it, they still pervert the Words of God,
“vnto their owne destruction” (2Pet.3:16), no matter how wise and educated they are. Satan, living with his sword, serves his brother. Scripture prophetically says:
“And by thy sword shalt thou liue, and shalt SERUE THY BROTHER” (Gen.27:40). Read the work: “The Butler and the Baker.”...