So many contradictions and so little time... :tonofbricks:
So, you are saying your theological system would NEVER compare men to gods, and ours would? Ok, so now let's see which system best lines up with scripture:
"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' -Ps. 82:6Obviously, not a one of us here thinks we are God, and He is the only true YAWEY (GOD). However, we are compared to Him in that we were created in "HIS IMAGE" and are made "a little lower than the angles." So, we are certainly not on the same level as animals (though the deterministic view of human will sounds strangely similar to that of animal instinct, so I can understand how you might think the way you do).
"Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods' ? If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--and the Scripture cannot be broken--" -Jesus (Jn 10:35)
For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many "gods" and many "lords")(1 Cor. 8:5)
More to your point, our view is that it was God's sovereign choice to give men such freedom and thus responsibilities, thus if true even our freedom would be a result of divine sovereignty...something you don't seem to understand.
Right, because only your view of God could actually be God....question beg much?
God. And you don't seem to think he is powerful enough to have created free moral creatures while maintaining His sovereignty. You seem to believe that Sovereignty can only be contained in a being who controls both the good and evil choices in this world. He must play both sides of the chess board to ensure victory, because he is just too weak to win any kind of real victory against an actual independent enemy. Your view of God seems much weaker than mine....but then again maybe that's just the man-god in me talking. :saint:
While I reject pelagianism too, you have to admit that is a gross overstatement. Pelagianism just denies the biblical doctrine of Original Sin and maintains that people are born innocent. It never claims men are 'in charge or sovereign.'
Again you beg the question by presuming that it wasn't God's will for men to have this ability and thus 'responsibility' or "power." Is a man less strong if he chooses to allow his daughter to freely obey him when he calls for here to sit down at the table? Has his daughter now taken away half of his muscles simply because he doesn't chose to use physical force? Come now Dr. Bob, you know better. If God has CHOSEN to give men this power/ability/responsibility then even THAT is His prerogative as God. So, I'd suggest you let Him be God.
Awwww, so you are giving up your power as an Admin by 'allowing each to put themselves into the theological framework of their own design?" You must be because if you have the power to irresistibly expel those of us who don't agree with you and you don't use that power then clearly, by your own reasoning, you must be giving up your power. We are all little "a" admins now! :smilewinkgrin:
You do realise that God permitted Adam to have your very definition of 'free will", but that ALL except for jesus since than have beeb born into sin, have sin natures, and no longer have same free will now?