One of the common accusations made by evolutionists is that if God had actually created man the way he is then God goofed and used a very bad design as we do seem to have a lot of problems with our backs.
Of course, if evolution is responsible for this plight, then that doesn't speak too well for evolution, either, but never mind that.
A study mentioned in the June 11 issue of Science News, a weekly newsmagazine (p. 373) discusses a study done at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo. The study indicates that there is a genetic element to lumbar pain, or lumbar-disk disease. Interestingly, they refer to the genetic element as "an inheritable gene variation" instead of a heritable mutation, which is what it is.
In other words, our 'bad backs' may be the result of mutations away from something better, something we were created to be rather than something we have become.
The original design was perfect. What has happened to us since has brought us a long way down. They won't say that in 'real science' because that would damage evolutution's good name! But the fact is that they are uncovering more and more 'inheritable gene variations' which are responsible for many of the physical problems of the human race.
Those 'gene variations' varied from something....something better than what they produced. As Romans 8 says, all creation is in bondage to decay because of sin. Including our poor old backs.
It was never 'bad design'. It was bad sin.
Too many times we seem to want to 'blame God' for what we have done to ourselves. Maybe it's time to take the blinders off and look the evidence straight in the proverbial face.
Of course, if evolution is responsible for this plight, then that doesn't speak too well for evolution, either, but never mind that.
A study mentioned in the June 11 issue of Science News, a weekly newsmagazine (p. 373) discusses a study done at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo. The study indicates that there is a genetic element to lumbar pain, or lumbar-disk disease. Interestingly, they refer to the genetic element as "an inheritable gene variation" instead of a heritable mutation, which is what it is.
In other words, our 'bad backs' may be the result of mutations away from something better, something we were created to be rather than something we have become.
The original design was perfect. What has happened to us since has brought us a long way down. They won't say that in 'real science' because that would damage evolutution's good name! But the fact is that they are uncovering more and more 'inheritable gene variations' which are responsible for many of the physical problems of the human race.
Those 'gene variations' varied from something....something better than what they produced. As Romans 8 says, all creation is in bondage to decay because of sin. Including our poor old backs.
It was never 'bad design'. It was bad sin.
Too many times we seem to want to 'blame God' for what we have done to ourselves. Maybe it's time to take the blinders off and look the evidence straight in the proverbial face.