The intent if this thread to explore in the Scriptures the techniques God may use, in particular bait and switch, from the unregenerate world perspective.
Generally speaking the term, bait and switch, is viewed as deceitful manipulation. One where the reward is often switched to a lesser value then what the enticement of the bait suggests. But does God use such a tactic?
Is there times in the ministry of Paul, Peter, John ... in which God baited the hook and then switched the reward?
What about in the Gospels or OT?
For example:
Did God bait the worship leaders into demanding the crucifixion with the thinking of considering it best for the nation and themselves that one die rather then all, just to reward eternal punishment?
Did God lead the people out of Egypt with the promise of a new land and then have them die in the desert? Is this not "malice a forethought?"
Again, this thread is an exercise in setting forth the worldly perspective of the use of bait and switch in the Scriptures.
It may be wise for some to include a rebuttal to the scenarios given to aid in gathering wisdom in the arguments.
Generally speaking the term, bait and switch, is viewed as deceitful manipulation. One where the reward is often switched to a lesser value then what the enticement of the bait suggests. But does God use such a tactic?
Is there times in the ministry of Paul, Peter, John ... in which God baited the hook and then switched the reward?
What about in the Gospels or OT?
For example:
Did God bait the worship leaders into demanding the crucifixion with the thinking of considering it best for the nation and themselves that one die rather then all, just to reward eternal punishment?
Did God lead the people out of Egypt with the promise of a new land and then have them die in the desert? Is this not "malice a forethought?"
Again, this thread is an exercise in setting forth the worldly perspective of the use of bait and switch in the Scriptures.
It may be wise for some to include a rebuttal to the scenarios given to aid in gathering wisdom in the arguments.