And their Scriptural backing? Conveniently missing!
Disagreeing with you is not evidence of that.
Never said it was. I never asked ANYONE to agree with ME.
I speak what "I" believe. I can give the Scriptural basis FOR WHAT "I" believe.
I direct others to SEEK Gods wisdom and HIS understanding.
I have done so, and don't care IF others do not desire to do the same. It is THEIR CHOICE to do so OR NOT.
They can and do call me all kinds of names; ( parroting one another ), BUT oddly NEVER direct their attention or comment on SEEKING God for "HIS" understanding.
However, doing that makes you guilty of the informal fallacy of ad hominem.
Perhaps I should be speaking to you or my neighbor or the birds about what comes out of THEIR MOUTHS against me?
Let's deal with the scripture and a full explanation of what your belief is. Leave the other things aside.
If it were your intent to leave the "other things" aside, WHY take the time to have YOUR SAY, then decide, MY SAY is not relevant?
I am fully aware everything about "a man", is the man.
And precisely why we attribute to "a man" the "possessive pronouns" that only is possessive to THAT one man.
His word, His heart, His mind, His body, His soul, His thoughts, His name, His ideas whatever...IS He.
I am fully aware of "political correctness" and the pretense that a mans words and ideas and thoughts are somehow NOT Him. And the fallacy that you can attack his thoughts and that is somehow "not accounted" as attacking "him".
Try to apply that nonsense of attacking Jesus' "ideas" "thoughts expressed" while pretending you are not attacking Jesus.
Right now it is perceived that you hold to a heretical view of Jesus.
Right now (actually repeatedly) I have had several people make that claim about what I believe.
We may be wrong but it is hard to tell since you avoid giving full explanation.
I avoid giving a FULL explanation?
Seriously? The FULL explanation would require me giving you the WHOLE of the Bible and Gods understanding.
And don't you get? YOU need to be the one WHO reads the knowledge in Scripture and seek God for His understanding?
I can simply give claim to have read the knowledge in Scripture, claim to trust it is true, claim to seek God for His understanding, claim to trust what He gives me, and serve God according to HOW He directs me.....which I have done and do.
So when others disagree with me, and vomit up their disparaging words against me, and you agree with them.....WHERE is YOUR FULL EXPLANATION? Where is YOUR Scriptural evidence my Scriptural evidence is WRONG? Where is YOUR evidence in Scripture that explains YOUR "perception" has merit?
Any further avoidance on this will affirm our understanding of your belief.
Your ignorance and perceptions and lack of understanding does not dictate my faith and beliefs, nor my TRUST in the Lord over you.
Now that you have had YOUR say, and dictated what MY SAY should be limited to; How about IF YOU want to POINT BLANK ask me A question, DO so. IF you agree fine. IF YOU Don't, say so. Then YOU can explain WHY you don't. You can give applicable Scriptural KNOWLEDGE to support your disagreement. YOU can give Gods spiritual understanding He has shown YOU in application of the KNOWLEDGE in scripture you present for your disagreement.
Since you are preaching FULL disclosure is required....BE the example Rev. Isn't that part of the JOB that comes along with the TITLE you have attached to your identity?