He wants abortion to be treated the way all other acts of murder are (or at least were under the auspices of the Constitution): The federal law says that no one should not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. The states codify the punishments for depriving someone of life, liberty, and property. One is not tried in a federal court for any and every act of murder. One is tried in a state court subject to state penalties.His position on federal government involvement in abortion is also inconsistent. He says he wants no federal involvement , but wants the federal government to define when life begins and the states to follow that guideline.
Sorry. He just can't have it both ways.
The same thing should be done with abortion. The federal government should clarify that the definition of life as mentioned in the Constitution includes any human being beginning at conception. The states should then prescribe the punishment due.
Why should abortion be treated differently from other acts of murder? It is murder and should be handled the same way.
Should we expect the federal government to codify exhaustively all punishments for all crimes of aggression in a one-size-fits-all way, and enforce them by federal police? I don't believe the Founding Fathers were indifferent to capital crimes or ignorant of them when they constructed our republican form of government. They had wisdom in letting the states codify and enforce such things and wanted further specifics to trickle down to local levels.
If we expect abortion to be treated differently from murder, are we not saying that abortion is not murder?
And, of course, those who are clamoring for supporting any and every possible law that makes the slightest "hat tip" toward the pro-life movement, does not fidelity to the Constitution mean anything? Why is it that Christians who claim to believe the Bible are so quick to make the Constitution a mere suggestion rather than the requirement that it is by oath before God on His very Word? The Bible has strong words against lying, including "All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." A Congressperson must put his or her hand on the Word of God and swear before God and country to defend and uphold the Constitution. If a Congressperson violates that Oath of Office, he or she has committed perjury (i.e. LIED!). Those Christians that expect Congresspeople to violate their Oath of Office to support their agenda are declaring that swearing oaths to God and lying do not matter, when the Word of God puts grave importance on such things.
It is very possible to be fully pro-life AND operate within Constitutional boundaries.