DHK, good question, I often ask myself is my eternal salvation in heaven with God secured? Yes it is, as long as I do not separate myself from God through sin. As I’m sure you know,{ 1 John 5:16 } talks about the “sin unto death,” because it is sin that kills the soul…sin that separates us from Jesus Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So, as long as I do not commit a sin unto death – or what we Catholics would call a “mortal” sin – then, yes, my salvation with God is secured.
There is no such thing as a mortal sin. That is one of the deceptions of the Catholic Church. Sin is sin. All sin is "mortal."
1John 3:4 states that sin is breaking the law. "It is a transgression of the law."
Whether you lie, speed, or murder, you have broken the law. You have sinned. It is all the same in God's sight. You have come short of his standard of holiness. You have failed his standard of perfection. What man may think is the least of all sins is still great in God's eyes and would still require the death of Christ on the cross, the shedding of His blood. Thus all sin is great. There is no such thing as a little sin.
Only the consequences of sin vary, not the nature of sin.
When I was saved, God forgave me of all my sin: past, present and future.
Rom.8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
"As far as the east is from the west so far has he removed my sin."
"He has buried them in the deepest sea."
"He remembers them no more."
"He has hidden them behind his back."
I am washed or cleansed by the blood of Christ (1John 1:7).
When God looks down upon me, he sees not me but the righteousness of Christ clothed upon me, for he has taken my sin away and given me a cloak of righteousness instead.
Rom.5:1 Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God.
I know for certain, beyond any shadow of a doubt, if I were to die right now I would go straight to heaven. It is Christ that holds my salvation. I did not earn it and never could possibly earn it. He paid the penalty that I could not pay. He has given me eternal life and he will never take away that gift. Eternal, by definition, cannot become "temporary."
You don't know what a sin unto death is. You don't understand that passage. But if you use it in the way that you do, you will never make it to heaven, for no one could be that sinless. Just one evil thought, one thoughtless word, one vain imagination, etc., could be a sin unto death as far as God is concerned. Any sin will do. He is a holy God. He is the one who decides what that sin may be--not the magesterium, the pope or priest, or any religion--But God Himself decides.
In Acts 5, Annanias and Sapphira were killed for lying. In the grander scheme of the things they simply wanted to be like someone else (hypocrisy)--like Barnabas--looking like someone spiritual when they weren't. They didn't tell the truth about what they were doing and God killed them.
In 1Cor.11, the Corinthians were abusing the Lord's Table. They were not coming to it in the right attitude, but rather carelessly, even when they were drunk and had over-eaten. God killed some of them for such a careless attitude. (1Cor.11:30).
--But this refers to Christians and has nothing to do with salvation. God's judgment does not send believers to hell.
Now, you may ask, how exactly is it that we can separate ourselves from Christ? Well, we separate ourselves from Christ by, in essence, not following His teachings. By not doing what He has told us we must do, or doing what He has told us we must not do. For example, Jesus tells us in{ Matt 6} that in order to have our sins forgiven, we must forgive the sins of others. If we don’t, then our sins are not forgiven. Can we get into Heaven if our sins are not forgiven? No, we can’t.
All of this is not true. It only proves what I have said before--your religion is no better than Hinduism which also says you must get to "heaven" by your good works. That is not what Christianity teaches.
Works are good, but they do not get you to heaven. Their neglect do not send you to hell. Salvation is not dependent on what you do or don't do.
When Jesus cried out: "It is finished," that meant that the work of salvation was finished. There is nothing that mankind can do to add what Christ has already done.
Isaiah 64:6 states that all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. They are putrid and filthy in the sight of God. He doesn't accept them. The only work God did accept in the realm of salvation was the work that Christ paid in salvation. The works of men he does not accept at all.
The works of Cain were rejected and thus Cain also was rejected. Good works are not accepted by God.
So, we must forgive the sins of others in order to get into heaven, in order to not separate ourselves from Christ – that is a plain truth of Scripture.
That is a heresy not found in Scripture.
The Scripture says:
"For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God,
not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph.2:8,9).
We must also care for our families as we are able. This is very clear in{ 1 Tim 5:8 } where we are told that anyone who does not provide for his family has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Someone who is worse than an unbeliever can’t get into Heaven, can they? They have separated themselves from Christ.
That is a comparison, but it is not speaking of entrance into heaven.
Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."
It is not by doing good, but coming only through Christ that one can gain entrance into heaven. Salvation is in Christ alone.
Then in {John 6,} Jesus tells us that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood, or we have no life in us. So, can we be saved if we have no life in us? if we do not eat His flesh and drink His blood, will we get to Heaven?
Again, that is not a requirement for heaven.
"He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the son of God hath not life."
It is as simple as that. Have you trusted Christ as Lord and Savior of your life? If so when and where?
We also have to love our brother. It says so plainly in { 1 John 4:20 }. We also have to seek for glory and honor and immortality by patience in well–doing, according to { Rom 2:6–7 }, in order to have eternal life rendered unto us.
That may be a good thing but it is not the way to heaven. That also is a teaching of Hinduism.
In { Heb 6:4–6 }, it t ells us we can separate ourselves from Christ through apostasy. In { Rom 11:22} it says we will be cut off from Christ if we do not continue in God’s kindness. And, in { John 15:1–6 }, it tells us that we will be cut off from the vine which is Christ if we do not produce good fruit.
I don't think you understand those verses; nevertheless they don't speak of what it is to have eternal and to keep eternal life. You are still missing the mark.
I could go on with many other examples, but how did this [eternal salvation] come about? By the grace of God. Because it is by the grace of God that we are born again through Christ – which is what occurs through Baptism. As Jesus tells us in { John 3:3–5 }, we must be born again of water and the Spirit (Baptism).
Jesus says nothing about baptism.
Again, Hindus believe that baptizing themselves in water washes away their sin. It is a pagan belief.
The new birth has nothing to do with water.
Without this, He says, no one may enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As it says in { Acts 2:38 }, through Baptism we receive the Holy Spirit and our sins are forgiven.
That is not what Acts 2:38 teaches. Such a misunderstanding of these verses would only demonstrate that you have know knowledge of the way of salvation.
God freely gives us His grace – grace merited for us by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – through Baptism.
That is a heresy. Baptism makes you wet, and that is all that you will get from baptism.
His grace washes us free of sin and brings us into covenant with Him {Titus 2:4–7}.
Have you ever seen "grace" do anything? Tell me about it? Tell me how "grace" baptizes. I have never seen "grace" baptize. In our church pastors must be men, and the pastors do the baptizing. Grace is not permitted to baptize.
And it is by faith that we turn to Baptism to receive the promise of Christ – redemption unto eternal salvation{Rom 2:25}. Because without faith, it is impossible to please God {Heb 11:6}. And, this is not our doing, “lest any man should boast” {Eph 2:8–9}, it is a completely gratuitous act of God on our behalf.
Faith always has an object. The object of your faith (as stated) is baptism. That is superstition.
Unless the object of your faith is Christ, you can in no wise enter into heaven.
So, God freely saves us by His grace; however, to reiterate what was said above, in order to avoid separation from Christ, we must follow Him by denying ourselves and picking up our cross daily {Luke 9:23}. Furthermore, we must do His will in order to be saved{Matt 7:21].
It is an impossibility for any man to "do all his will" all of the time. By your own words you are doomed to Hell.
I guess a good one verse summary of the Catholic belief in salvation is this: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love,” {Gal 5:6}
Faith in what? You have expressed faith in works. Faith in works condemns not saves.