I am sure some of us remember aslanspal
Before I was banned on the Baptist Board I had at least two posts taken down about assassination and imho blatant racism.
and on the FFF board their was this one Religious leader in Caspar Wyoming who joked of bragged about how he may spit on Obama while he was there is my link on that...somebody must of called the Secret Service because he was looked after while Obama was there. For the record I did not but came close.
below is the response after the fact of his initial post and the consequences of even threatening to spit on a leader.
Interesting time. After going to the clinic and doing the accounting/banking I drove to the bank and noticed a car behind me with a "suit" in it. Then back from the bank and was followed by the same car. Our clinic is by two churches on a dead-end street, and the car following me stopped a block away up the hill, turned around (as if heading out of the dead end) and sat.
It was too near 3 pm for me to make it to the Obama rally and my health is not good for walking anyway. Exactly at 3 pm the car drove away. I had two of our staff watching when we realized what was happening.
Just saw the news report and no signs in the gym, 90% college students attending and cheering on Obama. There is no room in the small gym for the 6:30 pm Clinton rally coming up, so am locking myself into therapy. More important for me to be able to stand up on Sunday than to go just to see the celebrities. Just not worth it.
(BTW, I've not heard of testimony of true christianity from either candidate. I know both give lip service to christianity but James said faith without works is dead)
'Dr. Bob' Griffin
(btw, the thinkingbaptist board is a refuge)
I am sure some of us remember aslanspal