Active Member
That wasn’t the question, Gib.
I didn't quote anyone and wasn't answering anyone's specific question. I wonder myself where the "comfort" line is drawn. I suppose when it becomes a distraction. But, I'm distracted every Sunday by the mom that will allow her child to just talk, talk, talk during the service. Then there's the guy that gets up every service to go to the bathroom. He's not the only one. And the ones that forget to turn off their mobile phones, or change the batteries in their hearing aides and the thing whistles through half the service. Poor guy, he can't hear it.
Then there's all those Casio watch guys whose watch promptly beeps for 30 seconds right at noon and they don't even try to muffle it. There’s the pen clickers, the pew kickers and the talk whisperers.
The lounge option in the OP probably would not work at the church I attend. However, we do have video/audio running to the nursery and the social hall. That way our workers can see and hear the services.
I don't have an issue with an overflow room, but would have some concerns if things in the room became a distraction. I can worship with a water bottle in my hand, but would have a hard time concentrating if several around me were talk whispering, typing on their MacBooks, sharing pics on their phones. The sounds of sodas and snacks dropping from vending machines, coffee pots percolating, laughter and talking as people were coming and going.
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