That isn't true. I have already stated that I have counseled people who were demonized by their involvement in D & D. I have given details as to the power of what those devils can do.
You've already decided in your mind that anything to do with D&D is demonic and no amount of information from people here who have played the game and know the rules will convince you otherwise. I would almost bet (if I were a betting man) that for every one person you claimed to have known who was demon possessed because of D&D there are hundred if not thousands or more who have no problems whatsoever. I have played before with a group of friends, all of whom are active in their churches and love the Lord. It's just a game. If D&D is so awful, then every game should be out, because there is undoubtedly something non-Christian about every game out there.
Monopoly? Yeah, it teaches greed and envy, which are wrong.
Settlers of Catan? Greed, ripping people off in trade, monopolizing economies.
Diplomacy? Backstabbing, war, murder.
Super Mario Bros.? Mass murder (of enemy races), greed (coin collecting). Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) allows you the perverse pleasure of snuffing out Bowser's family before you get to him.
The Legend of Zelda? Magic, black magic, witchcraft, greed, murder, malice.
I guess we should take away toys and games from our children. It might be the only way to save them from a lifestyle of debauchery and depression.
Yet are you telling me that the rape, torture, and murder which is very much a part of what the players get involved in IS NOT connected to the Witte boy who murdered his grandmother with a crossbow? That is a very naive position friend.
If you would listen to the people telling you they play the game, you might learn something. I've played the game off and on for years. Never once have I come across a game situation involving rape. Often the "torture" is being done by a villain that the hero characters must defeat. Yeah, murder happens, but typically it is a plot device and not just a character deciding to randomly kill someone.
As to the Witte boy...what else was he involved in? You've grabbed a single throwaway line from the story and pegged it as the cause. But it sounds like his mother is the one who came up with the plan. To cast D&D as the cause simply shows you have an agenda against D&D. What if they were playing video games like Call of Duty? Would you blame the video game? At what point was the boy himself responsible for his actions?
If that winged fellow is not a fallen angel, I'll eat my hat. Do you know what the Baphomet monster really is? Satan himself.
The name Baphomet isn't even recognized in history until nearly 1100AD. It went through a few iterations over the next 200 years until the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping Baphometh as part of their persecution under King Phillip IV in 1307. Baphomet isn't portrayed as the devilish goat figure until the 19th century.
In fact, you'll find several modern scholars recognizing "Baphomet" as an old French corruption of the name Muhammed. Not exactly reaching to the depths of Hell to yank up that name, are they?
The demon basilisk appeared in a Harry Potter movie just as about 25 more of the 'monsters' in D & D have appeared in popular movies and other games. Did they all decide to borrow from Gary Gygax's game (without permission) or are we merely seeing the tip of the iceberg of Satan's kingdom expressing itself visibly in our deteriorating society which is now very near the end of the world and the 2nd coming of Christ? I vote 'yes' to the latter.
"The demon Basilisk?" So now ancient mythological creatures are demons? Are unicorns demons, too?