Please show me where Christ says it is permissible to torture people.
You haven't presented a definition of torture.
You are assuming that we all understand what torture is an that our opinions for or against are in agreement regarding what is torture.
Even Land presents 'an opinion' that waterboarding is torture and he bases what he would approve or disapprove upon his own feelings of rightness for him to carry out the same order before delivering it to others to perform.
This is noble of a Christian living in Christian values.
Our government is not governed by Christian values: If it were, there'd be no question concerning homos@xuality and marriage or recognizing it as acceptible lifestyle: The fruit of the womb would be protected from conception until the natural end of life of the person born. Prayers conducted by Christians as an opening to any and all public forums would allow a closing 'in Jesus name" without restriction or contract to avoid: Our nation would not be going further and further into debt, but would function with conservatism as taught by the Bible: Our government would recognize us as sovereign persons and not as corporations:
Yes! You may not realized that...... But Our government recognizes not your personhood but recognizes you as a corporation: You are a commondity, a resource. This is not the intent of The Constitution of the United States as originally written, but this is the consequence of the ammendments since 1871 and the passages of laws which have followed by the Congress.
What happen to a few thugs, pales in comparison to what is happening right now to our country to remove our freedoms and rights to self determination and independance and possession and use of our own God given resources and talents. Rice, acting on behalf of the Bush government, backed our national debt to China by the national lands which are owned by the government. Recently, Clinton, when told that the default of our debt would not be sufficiently covered by taking possession of our national parks, made promise to the Chinese that US law already allows provisions that IF THE US DEFAULTS, CHINA CAN COME IN AND SEIZE PRIVATE PROPERTY VIA IMMINENT DOMAIN! BTW, Clinton minimized the human rights issue with China during her vist.
Now lets get back to dwelling on torture and swine flu instead of dealing and confronting our officials with the treasonous changes they are constructng for the demise of our nation.