Until you (collective YOU) know what the artist/installer et al did with the $ received, you don't know beans from bull foot about whether it was wasted or not.
Now before some of you get your panties in a wad, I used to feel the same way - such stuff a total waste of money, til I grasped the fact that all of it is His and He can designate it to be spent any way He chooses. Whether you or I agree with the expenditure is worth squat.
If (not anybody else's call) He led the school to purchase and/or accept the donation for these windows, then you may just find yourself questioning God's call for the use of His money. If the school is in His will, He can/will furnish the necessary funds for whatever needed to follow His will; if they are not following His will, such stuff will come back to haunt them.
Mighty dangerous ground to be treading!!
You have to understand the underlying cause of such criticism. The truth is and what they most likely will not tell you is the entire motivation for the op is to take a jab at conservatives in the convention and the pattersons more specifically. They will knock over a blind parapalegic blind man to get to have a chance to do that.
So while they feign some moral outrage that is simply a cover for the real intentions.