I consider that Saved distinctive to be ambiguious. All the Baptist Churches I’ve been to do indeed have unsaved people in them and attending as members.
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I consider that Saved distinctive to be ambiguious. All the Baptist Churches I’ve been to do indeed have unsaved people in them and attending as members.
I would like to study the Jewish tradition of Mikva bath and it’s corrilation to what John was doing in the River Jordan. I would hope that Baptists consider the similarities.I've heard it said, "John was a Baptist, Jesus was a Baptist, and so am I" or things to that effect, and I was wondering how far our Baptists on here take that.
The range of possibilities is quite broad -- anywhere from "We should baptize people" (you'd be hard pressed to find someone claiming the name of Christ who doesn't believe that) through "we rebaptize people based on XYZ" all the way over to "short hair on men, long on women (and no pants on them, either!), 1611 KJVO, bus-running, etc." (i.e. particular kinds of groups using the label "baptist", confessional or otherwise).
Where do you (my dear reader) fall on the spectrum? Where would you categorize yourself? (If you've picked "Baptist" on your profile in the "Faith" option.)
Have you of yet Encountered the now famous (or should I say infamous) legalism that IFB churches are known for?To clarify-
I'm not hung up on the KJV (it's not my preference) or IFB. This church just happens to be IFB and KJVO.![]()
Church membership should indeed be restricted to those who give credible indication that they are regenerate. If there were unsaved people in the church at Corinth, Paul wasn't writing to them (1 Corinthians 1:2-9).I consider that Saved distinctive to be ambiguious. All the Baptist Churches I’ve been to do indeed have unsaved people in them and attending as members.
What is needed is an addition to @HankD's otherwise excellent list-- church discipline.
No, but that was my concern when I first attended.Have you of yet Encountered the now famous (or should I say infamous) legalism that IFB churches are known for?
We do not have any account of them baptizing infants. We also have no account of them baptizing 100 year old women. Arguments from silence can be troublesome.Yet John baptized those who repented (Matthew 3:5-6) and the Lord Jesus made disciples and then He (or rather His disciples) baptized them (John 4:1-2). Neither of them baptized infants.
Don’t bring them in the 1st place....and then have a time for elders to examine them in the first place to test their synserity (sic)Church membership should indeed be restricted to those who give credible indication that they are regenerate. If there were unsaved people in the church at Corinth, Paul wasn't writing to them (1 Corinthians 1:2-9).
However, we know that right from the start, there were those who 'crept in unnoticed' (Jude 4; Acts 8:13, 21). Paul wept as he warned about them (Acts 20:28-31).
What is needed is an addition to @HankD's otherwise excellent list-- church discipline. 'Put away from yourselves the evil person' (1 Corinthians 5:13; c.f. Titus 3:10).
Don’t let your wife wear open toed shoes... that’s all I gotta say!No, but that was my concern when I first attended.
BTW... most of them crept in noticed ... but the church needs the head count. In New Jersey where I live, they bring in ex- Catholics by the boat load... ya think they are saved; most of them snear at the mention of it and that’s why they go to non denomination churches where anything goes. Did I say New Jersey, lol I meant New Heresy !Don’t bring them in the 1st place....and then have a time for elders to examine them in the first place to test their synserity (sic)
Maybe we need to work out a good Venn diagram. I can certainly say that in the Bible, adults were baptized. And a 100 year old woman would definitely fall within the definition of an adult.We do not have any account of them baptizing infants. We also have no account of them baptizing 100 year old women. Arguments from silence can be troublesome.
I personally believe in believers baptism by immersion. I don't think we should baptize young children, but won't break fellowship if people disagree.
Martin Luther said that just because a child cannot express faith in a way we can understand, doesn't mean they cannot express it in a way God can understand.
As an example, if you believe God Holy Spirit indwells a person when they have faith in Jesus (and I do), and that infants cannot express such faith, please explain how John the Baptizer was filled with Holy Spirit while in his mother's womb?
Don’t let your wife wear open toed shoes... that’s all I gotta say!![]()
That isn’t the reason for infant baptism... the reason is to wash away sin. Essentially a Baptist is dunking because it is supposed to be a sign (a testimony if you like) to someone’s being saved. These are two different things.It is baptism of a believer, an infant cannot express any desire to show belief nor remember what has happened.
Weaker vessel....how so? Perhaps you mean physically.
Oh yea, how bout kilts... I got scots in the family and they wear them, especially to weddings and they are gonna want to play the bagpipes also when my son finally gets married. Then there is the tradition of the scotch drinking (copious amounts of toasts) ... I don’t think they do that in IFB churches.this one isn't like that (although most do wear dresses....the women, not the men).
Oh come on! My father died when I was 12 leaving my mom to take care of the family including my cerebral palsy sister. She took care of the kids, put us through college, paid off the mortgage and fed and clothed us all. She did as good as ... if not better than any man I know could have managed. Along the way, she dealt with cancer, death, sickness, poverty and she saw us through. To me, she is my hero and I stand that she got it done and I am glad to have had her.Well the Bible says Adam was formed first, and then Eve. Adam was not deceived, but Eve was, she sinned first. God has an order for wives, the man is to be the head of the house. She is to be in subjection to him not part of the time, but ALL of the time.
When I say weaker vessel I am not saying that us women don't matter, Jesus loves us all that are His children equally. I am saying though that there are just some things that women are not supposed to do, like being in the Army, Voting, having a Career outside of the home, Going to College, things like that. A woman's place is in the home, she is to care for her husband, and children if she has any. Men are made by God to be stronger, they can find the right logical answer to situations because they think things through considering every angle, whereas sometimes us women just let our emotions reign which isn't always good.
Oh come on! My father died when I was 12 leaving my mom to take care of the family including my cerebral palsy sister. She took care of the kids, put us through college, paid off the mortgage and fed and clothed us all. She did as good as ... if not better than any man I know could have managed. Along the way, she dealt with cancer, death, sickness, poverty and she saw us through. To me, she is my hero and I stand that she got it done and I am glad to have had her.
Thank you.... however she is in heaven and I await the day when I can be with her again. BTW, she was the one who emphasized Christ in my life... through all that hard living, Christ saw us through. Thank you for reminding me.My condolences.
I do just that! More than any place on the planet, I have seen terrible sins against Almighty God perpretrated by the church which is supposed to worship and honor God.. that includes two IFB supposed disciplines. So am I supposed to blithely go running into a church again to be abused?!? To quote Gandi, “I like your Christ but I don’t like your Christians.”Absolutely! Church discipline is an act of grace when implemented properly (and I emphasize the word properly). It actually starts brother-to-brother before it is ever elevated to church leadership. Without it, all manners of evil can flourish within the confines of a local church (c.f. 1 Corinthians 5:1-2; Revelation 2:14-15). Church discipline is not supposed to be a hammer with which to threaten and bludgeon people with. Unfortunately, some churches have used it like that. Be careful that you do not judge this biblical command by its abuses.