I was reading a "closed" topic on the ORBs and noticed where someone had visited as ORB church in Michigan...posted in 11/05. He said he had never seen one in an ORB. The Sardis Association has at least one church-Turkey Creek- that does have one. My dad's home church-Pilgrim's Home- Brushy, Ky had debated about putting one in, but I don't think they have. One of the bretheren(sp?) talked about all the creeks where getting pretty nasty from all the raw sewage that was being put in the creeks due to people placing their sewage pipes directly into the creeks. I understand why they were debating this. I know a few people who have ORB churches in Michigan. Floyd Jude, Arvid Blevins, there is a man that goes by yhe name "Red", but can not remember his name. His home church is in Ypsilanti(sp?). Those churches are in different assoc. I am thinking that Floyd Jude is in the Union assoc and Arvid Blevins and "Red" are in Northern New Salem, or vice versa. Floyd was raised in Martin county, Ky and moved to Michigan around 1955 for work reasons. He has a lot of family in the Sardis assoc. He has went to Florida before to go to the two churches there, Okeechobee, and Southern Home in Sparr, Fl. There is one in Georgia as well...Charity in Greensboro, Fa. I can also understand why they have baptistries in Michigan. They have such horrible winters that it may be too hard to break the ice to baptize someone. When I was little, I would not even want to think about baptistries in church, but the older I get, the more I realize that the water is a outward symbol of an inward emotion, and if they want to be baptized in one, God will be OK with it. May God Bless! John 3:16 :1_grouphug: