I do not think so ??
Repentant believers are baptized into Jesus Christ, into His death, burial, and resurrection, and into His one body (Rom. 6:3-6; I Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:26-29; Col. 2:11-13). Is this water baptism, Spirit baptism, or both?
Hi adisciplelearner , and this is a good question also as too what BAPTIZO means .
I will begin with Rom 6:3 and 4 , and will use a different translation . the glory of the FATHER
Rom 6:3 , Or, are you IGNORANT , that as many as were BAPTIZO/PLACED into Christ Jesus were PLACED into His death ?
verse 4 , Therefore , we were BURIED ( into His death v3 on the cross Gal 2:20 ) together with Him through this PLACING into the death , in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the FATHER , so also should we REGULATE our lives in NEWNESS of life .
#1 , Water has NEVER made anyone walk in the newness of life ?
#2 , This is talking about Christ death on the Cross as Gal 2:20 reveals .
#3 , Not all Greek words , Baptizo , mean WATER , as Matt3:11 , that shows WATER , HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE BAPTISM and they do not all mean wet Water .
#4 , Our English word " baptize " is a Transliteration of the Greek verb BAPTIZO and the " baptism " from the Greek nouns BAPTISMA and BAPTISMOS . They are not the meanings of these words .
The basic meaning behind the Greek words is from PLACING or PUTTING something INTO something else so to change its condition or relationship from its previous conition and from this definition comes the means of " to dip , immerse , submerge ".
The prepostion EIS , meaning to " into " , is used 5 times with BAPTIZO , ( Rom 6:3 , 2 times ,v4 ; 1Cor 12:13 ; Gal 3:27 )
This PLACING INTO Christ , His death , and the Body of Christ , is by the Holy Spirit Himself .
Water can not perform this function !!
There is no WATER at all in the 5 verses just mentioned . Also , this work of the Holy Spirit did NOT take place at Pentecost .
The Baptism on the Day of Pentecost was the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ ( Matt 3:11 ; Luke 3:16 ; John 1:33 ).
The time of this " PLACING INTO CHRIST is at the time of salvation , when Christ saves a sinner who believes in Him . I is a one time act of the Holy Spirit , never to be repeated . This truth is a part of the doctrine of being IDENTIFIED with Christ . These are ALL Holy Spirit PLACING INTO THE DODY OF CHRIST , and has NOTHING to do with WATER .