The Human soul can not respond to The Moral Admonitions of God, unless the primary moral convictions of man coincide with Conscience and Moral Judgment within The Divine Mind.
The Infinite Mind could be Apprehended by the finite, if the finite were sinless and immutable.
The Elect Angels are finite, because they were Created and have a beginning.
They are Immortal, because God Chose for them to be.
They remain in a sinless and immutable existence.
If they were able to change and decided to disobey God, they would Fall Forever, as Adam did.
The Fallen, lost Adam, can no longer Apprehend GOD, Who is SPIRIT, because his primary moral convictions are now without God, sinful, Spiritually Dead and Helpless.
Adam and his offspring no longer can coincide with Conscience and Moral Judgment within The Divine Mind, because their primary moral convictions are......
......NOT Perfect and Holy.
"Lost souls must be lost before they can be Saved". ABSOLUTELY.
"...saved souls must be saved before they can be saved". ABSOLUTELY.
That is God's Message Contained in The Bible and NOT man's ideas developed from The Words of God, using their lack of Perfection and Holiness.
When BARNABAS wrote, in A. D. 70,
"Learn; receiving the remission of sins, and hoping in the name of the Lord, we become new, being created again, as at the beginning.”
He wasn't saying that you put your socks over your shoes when one refers to "Putting their Shoes and Socks on".
The chronological placement of the words in the sentence do not govern the content.
If I, "turn on the light bulb, by flicking the switch", did the light bulb come on first?
The same is with Salvation.
I can 'say', "I chose, believed, prayed, had faith", etc., etc., but unless God took the Dead Light Bulb, of my Adamic Nature, and HE, GOD, Flicks the Switch; their will be no Salvation.
There has been no "Re-Generation", as Barnabas mentioned.
"hoping in the name of the Lord, we become new, being created again, as at the beginning.”
The Wonder Working Power of The Balm of Gilead Must Turn DARKNESS to LIGHT and Make the blind to See.