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Oh well. If they feel that strongly about it, do like the girls team and don't play the tournament.
Oh well. If they feel that strongly about it, do like the girls team and don't play the tournament.
Why ruin it for everyone. A few "bad apples" shuld not mean throwing out the entire basket!
They did the right thing. This should not be part of school, or school activities. Do it on your own time, even professional atheletes, should do it on their own time.
They didn't ruin it for everyone.
They professional athletes did it on their time and got paid at the same time. There's no wrong time to express disgust at the continued gunning down of unarmed black men.
If it was not the place for awareness of the issues, then these athletic events shouldn't be the place for bringing awareness about breast cancer, or anything else.
Some folks are just frightened that these beloved athletes will add energy into the movement.
continued gunning down of unarmed black men.
The difference between breast cancer, et al, and "I can't breathe" is that no one is going to cry that there's no breast cancer. And no one blames others for breast cancer. An athletic event is no place to make a political statement, imo. And that goes for everyone on all sides.
If professional athletes do it and get away with it, that's between them and their associations. Poor taste, still, imo. I wouldn't applaud a basketball star wearing a shirt showing a gun that says "come and take it". And I won't applaud this, either.
Continued gunning down of unarmed black men???
You mean----its still going on as we type??
Sources please!!! Something a little more than SLATE!!!
Naah. The killer cops decided to take some time off.Of course it's still ongoing.
Rumain Brisbon, 34, Phoenix, Ariz.—Dec. 2, 2014,Brisbon, an unarmed black father of four, was shot to death in when a police officer apparently mistook his bottle of pills for a gun.
Tamir Rice, 12, Cleveland, Ohio—Nov. 22, 2014,Officer Tim Loehmann shot and killed Rice, who was holding a BB gun, seconds after spotting him at a park.
Akai Gurley, 28, Brooklyn, NY—Nov. 20, 2014, Gurley was shot in a dark stairwell of an East New York housing project building by Officer Peter Liang. Gurley was unarmed. Police Commissioner William Bratton called Gurley "a total innocent."
Ezell Ford, 25, Los Angeles, Calif.—August 12, 2014 ,Ford was shot by police who were conducting "an investigative stop." " A struggle ensued," read the LAPD's news release. Ford's family members say he was lying down when shot.
John Crawford III, 22, Beavercreek, Ohio—August 5, 2014,Crawford was fatally shot while carrying a pellet gun in a Wal-Mart. The gun was unsold merchandise and out of its package. A man named Ronald Ritchie told 911 that he looked like he was pointing it at people, but a month later he admitted that Crawford was not pointing the gun at people.
Just to name a few for ya.
Of all those pictures - how many were guilty of crimes?
and in that time frame how many cops were murdered?
Irrelevant. They were unarmed and shot dead.
Nothing to do with the number of cops killing unarmed black men.
Here's a question you can't decide is invalid: how many of those pictures were a real threat to the officer who shot them? Unarmed means nothing.
Here's a question you can't decide is invalid: how many of those pictures were a real threat to the officer who shot them?
Unarmed means nothing.
You could have a black man (I don't include whites, because according to Zaac, cops never shoot whites)
with his hands up - and somebody behind him firing a weapon - and Zaac would still say a cop shot an unarmed person.
But then again, we should listen to Zaac, as he has had years of experience of being on daily unifiorm police patrol
Do you just create your lies out of the air? When have I said that?
And I would still be correct. Shoot the person with the gun.
On the other hand, perhaps you're more of the authority because you've had so many years on police patrol.
Save the red herring. It doesn't take being on police patrol to recognize that cops are killing unarmed black men at a rate that is so off the charts that Ray Charles could see a problem.
A rate that is so off the charts
YOUR charts-----that's the only charts----the charts that exists only in your mind!!!
Here's a question you can't decide is invalid: How many of those pictures were a real threat just because they were black?
You continue to conveniently dismiss that unarmed white men aren't being killed at the same rate. So what is it about all these unarmed black men that makes them appear to be such a threat to officers.
It means nothing if you're black and the cops show up because they shoot to kill regardless. The numbers show that it must mean something if you're white because they aren't killing them at anywhere the same rate.