I was looking into it a while back as a possibility for one of my children. What threw me off of it was cost. They don't seem to have a very good scholarship/assistance program and while they kept sending and sending stuff (I actually started marking it as spam) I was pretty surprised at what appears to be such low help for even the best of prospective students. Unfortunately, we aren't going to be of much financial help to our kiddo, despite the desire, but her scores and achievements are giving her the opportunity to pretty much choose from anywhere, so while I'd love to get her interested in a place that has more of a Christian environment, it's simply not affordable.
So that's something major to consider if cost is going to be an issue for you, and I think the majority of us would consider that an issue, especially with the rising costs of education. They may have changed things since I last looked, but definitely check into it and make sure it's something you can afford.
I've heard nothing but good though. No matter what you choose, there are going to be people who will consider it liberal. Half these people have kids in public grade schools, so that kinda makes me laugh that they get so picky over the college. Public high schools generally are not exactly places where Christian values are expounded. If anything, it's quite the opposite!