Bible Believing Bill
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Above is a collection of quotes from another thread that contribute to the stigma attached to people who suffer from a mental illness. I have purposely not identified the posters as I am sure that these quotes were not ment to be offensive.I'm crazy, not stupid
I've always been crazy, many times it's stopped me from going insane
I've said it before, Sometimes I feel like a nut and other times I know I am.
I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK now...
We must all be careful what we say in a public forum. You never know who you might offend with what you consider a innocent comment.
People who have a mental illness are unfairly called nuts, crazy, insane, loony, etc. If someone is acting differently they are often accused of being "off their meds". People with mental illness are working beside you, sitting in the pew in front of you, selling you insurance, cashing your check at bank, having a cup of coffee with you, teaching your children, arresting criminals, raising children, getting married, reading their bible, preaching on Sunday morning, in short they are leading mostly normal lives except for the fact that they are ill.
All of the comments above show a lack of understanding about mental illness and he people who suffer from them. Would any say?
"I'm a cancer patient, not stupid" or "sometimes I feel like a diabetic, other times I know I have low blood sugar."
The comment about being schizophrenic implys that someone suffering from this illness has a split personality. Schizophrenic individuals do not have a split personality, they do suffer from hulluciations and delusions, and my not know what is real, but they don't have split personalities.
Lets please all try to help people who need it and not make their lives harder by adding to their burden thourgh our own actions.