There is one being shared right now on the BB as truth.
I see them shared EVERYDAY on Facebook as truth.
This one below has been shared at LEAST 20 times on Facebook in the past two weeks.
When I first read it - I thought, "That doesn't even SOUND like Hitler! Hitler never did anything by tiptoeing around."
Sure enough, he did not say this. It is NOT in his book Mein Kampf.
A woman named Miller, if I am remembering correctly, wrote a historical fiction/romance novel about an American woman in Germany before the war who got involved in a relationship with an SS officer. She got stuck in Germany and could not get home and she tried and tried to get the German people to see the truth about what Hitler was doing. She MADE UP this quote by Hitler - it fit her narrative of the fictional account - it's not a legitimate quote of Hitler's.
Yet someone who read the book thought it WAS - told others about it and SOMEONE believing it to be true put it on a meme AS truth - and there we are.
These false quotes and false historical statements are everywhere on social media.
The one I made with Snoopy - i was just being silly.
Satire is sometimes funny, many times not.
Facebook and other social media has innumerable people share these "articles" as truth.
For example, there's one of Nancy Pelosi ripping up the Bible and another of her declaring she will soon take away all social security benefits of the elderly. People on Facebook are posting those with great anger and working themselves up to stroke level.
The one here on the BB is one of Ruth Ginsberg saying that the age of sexual consent should be lowered to 12. She never said that, but it was posted here as the truth.
One of my aunts stated that she would not longer vote for Trump because he told people to drink Chlorine. Her news source? CNN.
Then there are the numerous Russia hoaxes, the false belief that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with slaves, the false belief that the South did not succeed over slavery, etc.
You don't need memes to spread false beliefs. And to be honest, I think that many of these people are true believers. I don't think they are posting this because they like spreading false information. They really think what they say is true.