I haven't disputed that gluttony is a sin. What I find humorous is that gluttony is always used to justify drinking. When the topic of drinking comes up, invariably we here about the fat preacher that doesn't preach against gluttony.
So, wonder why the fat preacher doesn't preach against gluttony? I know of preachers who consume alcohol who preach against drunkards.
Many preachers eat too much, and they know it. I recall years ago when I was younger, being at a preachers fellowship being mocked by the 'fat' preachers because I was in shape, or because I 'worked out'. Obviously it made them feel uncomfortable. A large percentage of them were overweight.
Not all who consume alcohol are drunks, but I can name many fat preachers being fat because they are addicted to over-eating. I know, spare me, we find one fat one who has gland problems and he's the poster child for the rest of 'em.
I'd say that over-eating fat preachers are more of a problem in the church, and FROM the church than drunken preachers.
Too many churches base too many get togethers on eating.