Yet another you, you,you post. You are ... something bad. This is all they have folks, disinformation on display. Just another taint so and Van is rotten for saying so post.You're attempting to make a distinction without a difference, and your response fails to take any responsibility for the multiplied posts quoted above. Your claim about God crediting faith in connection with salvation is manifestly wrong, and you offer not a single valid passage of Scripture to support it.
Faith at the point of salvation is never "credited as righteousness" by God, period. Not before, not during, not after. There is no passage of Scripture that teaches your utterly bogus assertion. Any statement about "credit" from God for faith associated with salvation is erroneous and reflects a fundamental ignorance of what Scripture actually teaches. The only faith that God "credits" toward righteousness is living faith, walking by faith, overcoming by faith - faith expressed in the promises of God by believers AFTER salvation. This is the faith Abraham expressed, this is the faith the Bible says God credited as righteousness, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the point of salvation, contrary to your oft-repeated bogosities about credit related to faith at salvation. The "falsehood" here is entirely yours, my friend.
And note all the scripture I used to support the fact God credits our faith as righteousness, is claimed to be, wait for it, "invalid." As if a Calvinist denier has been appointed hall monitor.
2 Thessalonians 2:13 says God chooses individuals for salvation through faith in the truth. Now this false teacher claims God chooses us by reason of faith He rejects, such as that of the second or third soils of Matthew 13. I kid you not, this is the sort of tommy rot up with I must put.
And finally, we are saved by grace "through" or by reason of faith, thus our faith provided (if credited by God as righteousness) our access to the grace in which we stand. Calvinism denies we are saved through faith, they rewrite the many verses to say saved and given faith. Romans 5:2 Pay no attention to those who nullify the word of God...
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