It's a deep seated concern for my children and their children's children. And YOU are indeed very prejudiced, it's Israel First all the way with you, to the point your lack of concern for the staggering debt we're leaving our progeny I question this conservative patriot persona you put on is even real.
You have no proof that I place Jews on a pedestal. None at all.
You have no proof of any of it. Yet you launch into anti Jewish tirades at the mention of one,s name, a lot of them I don't have a clue they are Jewish and couldn't care less if they are or are not. but you do. Always.
Yes, I am a supporter of Israel. They happen to be the only reliable ally we have in that part of the world. You seem to think Iran is more important to us. You have that in common with Obama. I don't.
"Holy DNA" will not get any Jews to heaven or get my support, or opposition, here on earth because of it.
Give your bias a rest. You simply came after the wrong guy for the wrong reasons. Get over yourself and your prejudices before you accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of.