We know that Rome was the fourth Beast upon the earth (Daniel 7:v.23), which was diverse from all kingdoms, devouring the whole earth and tread it down, and broking it in pieces.--->The KINGDOM of the Roman Empire was from 395 BC - 476AD -
Notice that until this present time of Apocalypse, in which we are living, did not rise up any other UNIVERSAL empire besides the Roman Empire, right? But it will rise up FROM NOW ON, as soon as the second Beast manifest himself, which shall come up out of the earth, Rev.13: v.11-18, and then there will be TWO religious Beasts reigning on the Earth, one in Rome - a Gentile Beast (Rev.13:v.1-10)- , and another in JERUSALEM - Israel - a Jewish Beast.
Both CATHOLICISM (Iron) and JUDAISM(Clay) will build the religious and SATANIC Universal Antichrist's Kingdom. This will be the FIFTH Universal Kingdom, the Universal Antichrist's Empire, showed in the TWO FEET and 10 TOES of the IMAGE, in part of IRON and in part of CLAY.
WE ARE LIVING EXACTLY IN THE TIME COMPREENDED BY TWO FEET AND 10 TOES OF THE IMAGE OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S DREAM - IRON AND CLAY. By the way, there is no other people than the people of Israel that is called by Scriptures as MADE of CLAY by the Potter's clay. Isaiah 64:v.8 among others.
The 10 TOES are 10 tribes of the 12 tribes of Israel, which REBELLED against the house of David. By the way. JESUS is of the house of David and they reject Him. The Jewish Beast, who is a false messiah, is of the tribe of Dan, he is the Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. 2Thes.2:v. 9-10 ---> 9-Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
Behold, we have just arrived in the time of the TWO feet and 10 TOES,(10 TOES:this detail is very important) part of iron and part of clay. We can see here that the complete extension of the universal Roman Empire is represented in the TWO LEGS exclusively.
ln this time of the FEET and 10 TOES, in which we are living, the history is another, very very different, because the ORIGINAL Roman Empire was DISSOLVED by entire IN TWO PARTS figured in the TWO LEGS OF IRON,and it fulfilled LITERALLY: Roman Empire of Western, endured from 395BC-476AD- Bizantine Roman Empire from 330AD-1.453AD --->Both kingdoms were DISSOLVED completely, EXCEPT its religious system which remains until this present time of Apocalypse, practically both empires were politically and militarily dissolved AND THEIR INHABITANTS spread among nations, both empires were transformed into A SPECIFIC religious Powers until today.
Furthermore, now, in the End of the times, these TWO Beasts will make a deal who will rule first the universal Antichrist's Kingdom, and the prophecy in the book of Revelation states or reveals - Revelation 13:v.5 - that who will reign THE FIRST PERIOD OF 42 MONTHS OR 1260 DAYS is the Gentile Beast, the Pope through the woman, the Great Whore, which rides upon him.
Ended 42 months, who will assume the Antichrist's Empire is the Jewish Beast like a lamb, in fact a false lamb, a false messiah, the son of perdition, the own Satan incarnated, a former Cherub, an IMPOSTER, and he will reign in the second period of 42 months. Here ends the devilish world of the Devil, the old Serpent.
The Kingdom of God will be established as is written in Revelation 11:v.15 and Rev. 5:v.10, as follow:
Rev.11:v.15 - The kingdoms of THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.
Rev. 5:v.10 - And hast MADE US unto our God kings and priests: and WE shall reign on the earth.
Remember: JESUS is the KING of kings, right? And LORD of the lords.
In Christ JESUS, KING of kings(kings made by Him), and LORD of lords