What do you mean when you say, "Sacred cow #2 of Evangelicalism is women"?
I mean that on Fathers day the sermon is "Fathers need to be better fathers and this country is falling apart because of a lack of fathers!". I would agree with this.
While on Mothers day the sermon is "Oh, thank heavens for the mothers. The mothers are great and amazing and there's no love like a mother's love". The message here needs to be women submitting to their husbands if the preacher wants to be fair and consistent. There's an entire lack of modern Church teaching of women submitting to their husbands, which is rampant today just as much as faithless fathers.
Most modern Evangelicals like to call it "servant leadership" or "mutual submission". You will not find either of those in the Bible. The family is made up of the wife submitting to her husband's lordship over the house and family who is himself to submit to and imitate Christ up to and including His sacrifice if necessary. Abraham was lord over his family. Abraham was not a "servant leader" to his family. The wife does not have equal authority to the husband on any family matter, although the husband ought to be deferent to her as it concerns "the home" as per Proverbs 31 and ought to consider her input in all decisions.
Yet if you say all of the above, which is directly out of the Bible, in a modern "Evangelical Church" most folks will recoil and hiss like vampyres amongst garlic. Why? Because the feminism in our culture has seeped into the cracks of many modern Churches under the guise of "egalitarianism".
I don't know that this entirely fits under the thread here, and I don't want to hijack it, so we can continue this on another thread if you have any questions or thoughts.
I fit with Doug Wilson on this fairly well: