I can't take credit for this. Wish I could. A friend of mine suffering from the loss of his father and wife in the space of a couple of months penned this.
Also while reading my Dad's hand me down Bible this morning I was reminded of how history repeats itself. We read in this Scripture how in Isaiah's day people didn't want to hear or believe the truth. They wanted everyone to affirm their sinfulness and call it okay.
They decided that since so many others agreed with their particular behavior (lewdness, drunkenness, lying, pride, sexual immorality of every kind - fornication, homosexuality, adultery, or whatever sin they decided was okay for them to indulge in) it must be okay.
Our world today is exactly the same way. We don't want anyone to disagree with us to mention God, or sin, or Hell.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news people, but just because we reject God's absolute truth "don't mean it ain't so!!"
God's Word will stand forever no matter what men in black robes, or men in fancy suits, or just a guy in Bermuda shorts holding a cold beer might agree or disagree with, if it can't be confirmed in Scripture, is isn't valid.
I love every person God created (and that is everyone by the way). No matter what you do or have done. I can love you without agreeing with or affirming your behavior