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Biblical Rules for Women "Speaking"

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Dr. Bob, Jun 16, 2003.

  1. newlady3203

    newlady3203 New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Being a new Christian, I am learning a lot about what a woman's role is according to God.

    Instead of bickering over it all, maybe we should just return to the Bible for the answers.

    It seems to me that our society is too worried about what others think. First and foremost, we were placed here for God's pleasure. First and foremost in a Christian's life is to please Him and to do His will.

    God created man for a purpose and God created woman for a purpose. Through reading scripture, we need to understand the importance of it all.

    I wish that I could instantly become the woman in Proverbs 31. That is God's idea of the ideal woman. God sets the standard, not the world.

    God did not make woman to be leaders of men. It might hurt some's feelings. It might make some feel inferior. But, it shouldn't. God did not intend for man's purpose to be more important than woman's. God did not intend for woman's purpose to be more important than man's. Their purposes are equally important, but separate. It is all so simple, but it seems that we have to read into things. God said it, and that's good enough for me.

    Instead of arguing, we should just try our best to do what God wants us to do. Afterall, he is the boss! If we are not doing things the way He intended, he will bring about the circumstances to show us where we need to make changes in our own lives. It breaks my heart to see this world going to hell in a handbasket because so many have chosen to live their lives their way. I hope that I have not offended anyone. Afterall, it is only my opinion.
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Major B asked if I think he's insensitive! Read this again ladies!

    Just a few threads ago you ladies were all saying how you LOVE for your man to be sensitive. Major B is VERY SENSITIVE and seems to understand his wife in a mighty way!

    I salute you Major, for all women of God!

  3. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 20, 2002
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    Her husband trusts her because she is trustworthy.

    She treats her husband well.

    She works hard in the hope and helps her family.

    She handles finances and makes major financial decisions. She invests in profitable industries. (This goes against quite a bit of current “fundamentalist” doctrine.)

    She is a discerner of quality and craftsmanship and is not lazy.

    She is generous with what she has to those less fortunate.

    She generously provides for the needs of her family and dresses in beautiful clothing, taking pride in her appearance. (This seems to go against some of the current views on women wearing unattractive clothing.)

    Her husband is known because of his wife’s accomplishments.

    She owns and operates a small business. Her gainful employment provides finances for her family.

    She is known for her honor and strength of character.

    She is intelligent and knows how to be both strong and gracious.

    She is diligent in caring for her family, including her husband, and is not prone to laziness.

    She is loved and respected by her children and her husband.

    She is a woman of God and she is respected for her faith and good works.

    She is entitled to enjoy her success and to be known and praised in the community.

    [​IMG] :D [​IMG]
  4. Rev. Joshua

    Rev. Joshua <img src=/cjv.jpg>

    Aug 7, 2001
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    And I'm comforted knowing that my wife and I understand each other very well, and anyone who thinks that she can't defend herself because she's a woman is likely to end up in traction.

    If we really want to operate on the assumption that the social structures contained in the Bible are the ones that God ordained; then we should reinsitute the Law. Then men could own as many women as they wanted. :rolleyes:

  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Someone said:
    Actually, that's an old mother in law joke.

    I really don't see this as a sensitive thread as much as a Biblical discernemnt thread. The women posters are not even split 50/50. I agree with Molly about everything. I sort of agree with other women. I think others go too far and some have yet to realize their great worth in God's plan. But then... that's MY take on this subject.

    Scarlette O., God has used many single, childless women in many wonderful ways. I have a friend who wanted children with all her heart. She was never able to conceive. BUT... Sandy is the most wonderful Aunt and public school teacher. She and her husband donated large amounts of items for VBS because of their love for children. God did not open Sandy's womb... but he surely opened her heart extra wide.

  6. ColoradoFB

    ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
  7. newlady3203

    newlady3203 New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    I did not mean to offend anyone by using the word "backbone".

    What I meant by that is that we need not be ashamed of living the way God intended us to live. God made man for a purpose. God made woman for a purpose. Neither purpose is more important than the other. They are equally important, but they are separate.

    The Bible is a Christian's standard of living. By having a backbone, I mean that we need to know that is alright to live Godly. We need to stop worrying about how the "world" views us. As Christians, we need to stand tall and separate from the world. The Christians in the Bible were ridiculed because of their faith and beliefs, but they had backbones. In other words, they were willing to take the ridicule because they knew that living the way God instructed them to put God on their side (so to speak). By having a backbone, I mean that each and every Christian woman should feel honored with the huge responsibility the Lord has given her.

    I was raised in a society where we (women) were taught that we can do anything that a man can do, even better. But, now that I am saved, I am seeing things quite differently. I know why there is chaos in my household. It is because I am not being the woman I should be. For the longest time, I have tried to rule my home. However, that is not my place. That place is reserved my husband, who someday soon, I pray, will receive salvation. I am learning that submission does not mean that I am a doormat. I have a very important job. My job first, and foremost is to please the Lord in the way that I live. My job is to make my husband complete. My job is to help my husband be the best he can be. My job is to set an example and teach my children to be Godly.

    What I mean by "backbone" is we need to live the way God intended us to live, and not worry about what others think. The Christians in the Bible were ridiculed for their faith and beliefs. However, they remained true to the Lord. They were not ashamed of their faith and beliefs. That is what I mean by "backbone". I feel honored that the Lord chose me to be a woman. Although this really got away from the original post, I hope that I made myself a little bit clearer.

    Women cannot and should be preachers (bishops, deacons). One of the requirements for those jobs is being the "man of one wife". That means one, you have to a man. That means, two, you have to have one wife. One wife, meaning, no divorces. Uh,oh, I think I just opened another can of worms here.

    Simply put, men and women alike need to obey God's word as it is written. Men and women alike need to stand tall and firm on the belief that God's word is "it". God said it, I believe it, and that's it.
  8. Major B

    Major B <img src=/6069.jpg>

    May 6, 2003
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    Context, context, context.

    The subject of Galatians is salvation. We are all equal in Christ, there is level ground at the foot of the cross.

    The subject in 1 Timothy and Titus is church order and church leadership. The qualifications are plainly given.
  9. stubbornkelly

    stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Maybe I should clarify. I don't actually. I love being a woman. Those are the fleeting thoughts that run through my head, that's all.
  10. Major B

    Major B <img src=/6069.jpg>

    May 6, 2003
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    Boorish? Me? My, my, if you think I'm boorish, you oughta hafta deal with fighter pilots or marines, or worse, marine fighter pilots.

    I think I'm gonna cry...

    NOT! :D [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. Molly

    Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    These verses are in regards to salvation...it is for all,male,female,Greek,Jew,etc....These verses to not diminish the roles that God placed on males and females in the church and family.


    The motivation from a godly husband is NOT to keep the wife under his thumb...how absurd...if he loves his wife like Christ loves the church,then the relationship is the most glorious relationship on Earth,like God planned for it to be.

  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Molly replied:
    Again, I agree! Under my husband's thumb? No... Under his umbrella of love and protection? YES! I thrive under this protection and reverence. My husband speaks of me as Major B. speaks of his beloved wife. It inspires me to be even a better Christian woman, wife, mother and witness! I honestly wish all women could be as blessed as Molly, Mrs. Major B. and myself are!

    Diane Tavegia
    Proud to be Jim's beloved wife
  13. Major B

    Major B <img src=/6069.jpg>

    May 6, 2003
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    Again, I agree! Under my husband's thumb? No... Under his umbrella of love and protection? YES! I thrive under this protection and reverence. My husband speaks of me as Major B. speaks of his beloved wife. It inspires me to be even a better Christian woman, wife, mother and witness! I honestly wish all women could be as blessed as Molly, Mrs. Major B. and myself are!

    Diane Tavegia
    Proud to be Jim's beloved wife
    </font>[/QUOTE]Diane, I read that post to my wife and got a MAJOR hug...ain't love grand?
  14. Rev. Joshua

    Rev. Joshua <img src=/cjv.jpg>

    Aug 7, 2001
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    Works for me, as long as you recognize that many good, Christian women wouldn't consider that kind of relationship a blessing.

  15. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Wonder if this "love fest" has run its course? We've been off topic for 2+ pages now and probably should close this puppy down.

    Before I use some humor and get nailed like poor Major was unjustly attacked, I will exit this thread, stage left.