Overlooked or Simply Not Caught by Liberal Media?
Debates have become relegated to the “pre-show” for the liberal media and pundits to give their “expert” review on how the candidates fared. We anticipate their ultimate goal - find a way to justify handing the victory to their favored candidates. They may take a myriad of paths to ultimately arrive at their predetermined destination. If they feel their candidate was stronger in connecting with the voters, then the facts don’t seem to matter. However, if they feel their candidate had a stronger grasp on facts then we, the viewer, are barraged with facts and details ad nausea.
This bias was seen by media comments made immediately following the Vice Presidential debate. It was noted that Biden was incredibly gracious to Palin in that he did not expose the fact she misidentified the general from Afghanistan. Such a comment was made with the obvious attempt to define Biden as the more knowledgeable of the two candidates.
My question is why the media didn’t instead respond with how gracious Palin was to not expose the fact that Joe Biden, a sitting U.S. Senator of 36 years did not even know which article of the Constitution defines the authority of the Executive Branch. I’m sorry but let’s compare. Not necessarily getting the name of a particular general correct might be of some concern; however, not knowing the most basic details of our Constitution should automatically disqualify you from serving as Vice President of the United States.
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Debates have become relegated to the “pre-show” for the liberal media and pundits to give their “expert” review on how the candidates fared. We anticipate their ultimate goal - find a way to justify handing the victory to their favored candidates. They may take a myriad of paths to ultimately arrive at their predetermined destination. If they feel their candidate was stronger in connecting with the voters, then the facts don’t seem to matter. However, if they feel their candidate had a stronger grasp on facts then we, the viewer, are barraged with facts and details ad nausea.
This bias was seen by media comments made immediately following the Vice Presidential debate. It was noted that Biden was incredibly gracious to Palin in that he did not expose the fact she misidentified the general from Afghanistan. Such a comment was made with the obvious attempt to define Biden as the more knowledgeable of the two candidates.
My question is why the media didn’t instead respond with how gracious Palin was to not expose the fact that Joe Biden, a sitting U.S. Senator of 36 years did not even know which article of the Constitution defines the authority of the Executive Branch. I’m sorry but let’s compare. Not necessarily getting the name of a particular general correct might be of some concern; however, not knowing the most basic details of our Constitution should automatically disqualify you from serving as Vice President of the United States.
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