They wont say they lied, they will say we told you what we are going to do. What the lie is about, is it was not discussed in the MSM, so people who are like dumb sheep, don't pay attention to what these people say they will do. But the dumb people do pay attention to what the media wants them to be thinking, and that is how evil and orange man bad Trump and republicans are.
I had a friend for decades, who used to rant on about the 'evil republicans', finally after some time, after failing to convert me and lashing out at me one day, I got tired of it, and we went our separate ways. After he got mad at our church, apparently he had had enough of people telling him how the LEFT were the real evil ones and antagonists to Christianity, but see it was subtle condemnation , not overtly saying such like in preaching or anything like it, but see he got nowhere with making people change their minds, he left the church moved out of state. He was like an evangelist for the LEFT and socialists. He really does think even communism is the way forward here.