wait ... is that making a prediction of fact in the future?
Nah....that's an estimate.
In all seriousness I just do not like seeing predictions that the vaccinated will be dead within 5 years, the unvaccinated will be wiped out, the vaccines will be proven failures, covid will disappear, there will e concentration camps for the unvaccinated, covid will continue to exist because of vaccine resistance, ect.
The reason I disagree with such types of forecasts is they are designed to persuade people based on very little information.
I believe people should choose for themselves whether to be vaccinated or to decline a vaccination. I see predictions on both sides about what will occur as attempts to confuse people into making one decision.
But I do agree with you that time will tell. Personally I believe both sides will be proven wrong (a forecast, I know). Historically when positions are do polarized the truth is always somewhere in the middle.