Hillary probably will not be indicted but the drip, drip, drip of her scandals, including her irresponsible use of an easily hacked private server to conduct secret government business is nonsense on stilts.
Biden will probably announce after Labor Day. I think that a sitting Vice-President always gets the nomination if he wants it. Obama will probably endorse Biden--how could he not? If Obama dislikes Bill (as is reported) and Michelle and Valerie dislike Hillary (as is reported), then Biden would be their natural choice.
Bernie Sanders is a left-over hippie and not really a Democrat but an independent, a socialist, who caucuses with the Democrats. He has the support of the hard-core left but would not be the choice of the moderate Democrats, what few there are left.
Hillary is not even that popular with women and her negatives are high and beyond repair. About half of the electorate calls her a liar. After decades of scandals, there is little that Hillary can do to repair her image. She seems to lack energy or enthusiasm on the campaign trail and people are repelled by her personal coldness. Her eyes seem to be just $$$$$$.
Biden will probably announce after Labor Day. I think that a sitting Vice-President always gets the nomination if he wants it. Obama will probably endorse Biden--how could he not? If Obama dislikes Bill (as is reported) and Michelle and Valerie dislike Hillary (as is reported), then Biden would be their natural choice.
Bernie Sanders is a left-over hippie and not really a Democrat but an independent, a socialist, who caucuses with the Democrats. He has the support of the hard-core left but would not be the choice of the moderate Democrats, what few there are left.
Hillary is not even that popular with women and her negatives are high and beyond repair. About half of the electorate calls her a liar. After decades of scandals, there is little that Hillary can do to repair her image. She seems to lack energy or enthusiasm on the campaign trail and people are repelled by her personal coldness. Her eyes seem to be just $$$$$$.
So much for the sisterhood. More women view Hillary Clinton in a negative than positive light, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.
The poll found that among the general population, 53% viewed Clinton unfavorably compared to 45% that view her favorably. Among women the numbers were not much better.
Despite women being a core audience for the Democrats, just 48% of women said they viewed Clinton favorably compared to 51% of women that viewed her unfavorably. The poll also showed trouble for Clinton when it comes to younger voters, with 50% of voters aged 18-39 saying they had a negative view of Clinton compared to 47% with a positive view.
Women and younger voters are two groups that were key to Barack Obama's election victories in 2008 and 2012.