Or maybe Palm Beach... just don’t send them to Orlando/ too much issues already.That would be my second choice.
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Or maybe Palm Beach... just don’t send them to Orlando/ too much issues already.That would be my second choice.
That would not only be a sin, it would be a war crime and those who obeyed such an order would need to be arrested.
Wow! Execute without trial. No rule of law.
You just take whatever the government line is as gospel.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I guess untried prisoners that the government says are "terrorists" don't fit in that scripture.
The MSM was in favor of much of the government behavior and policies then just like they are in favor of President Biden and his party. Just because Bush II and Obama were presidents and gave their assent to the policies of jailing without trial doesn't mean everything they said was true. Oh, that's right, W. is a Republican. So everything he said was true. "I didn't know Ken Lay."
So....to be clear....you are in favor of executing detainees without charges, without a trial.Oh, please get a Life Magazine.
So....to be clear....you are in favor of executing detainees without charges, without a trial.
Do you believe there is a difference between you and those you want killed?
No. But I also do not believe we are called to kill people who are not Christian. I also do not believe we are called to kill people who are anti-Christian.Do you believe that Allah & Jesus are the same person? Nothing is going to happen to those jihadis while Joe is boss. Of course, Kamala could get rid of him any day now . It would be nice if the jihadis had to listen to Biden’s inauguration speech 24/7...
Biden going to have Bezos shut this board down. Better build an alternative site.
No. But I also do not believe we are called to kill people who are not Christian. I also do not believe we are called to kill people who are anti-Christian.
We are not to become evil in order to combat evil.
Those who would kill men because they are Muslim are no better than those who would kill Christians because they are Christian.
In fact, those "Christians" are eternally worse because they blaspheme Christ by advocating evil in His name.
The correct phrase is "sold out." They admitted they were guilty of fighting for the Taliban, but were hard to catch. Bounties made the diff.Our government bought some of the prisoners who are at Guantanamo.
We could sell or rent them to someone else. They are full of info about farming.
Guantanamo inmates say they were 'sold'
Yes, I am a Christian. Thank you for noticing.Oh, wow, you tear a passion to tatters. Those jihadis should have had a military trial in Gitmo right away and been sent to be in Allah’s paradise.
Yes, I am a Christian. Thank you for noticing.
I have never smeared Republicans. I have always voted Republican (since I have voted). It is true I do not worship people because of their political views, nor will I call evil "good" simply because of political leanings.I try not to notice you because of your smears of Republicans, which I find tedious. Maybe you should read Alice in Wonderland. They say off with their heads and trials later. You should get that book cancelled on the grounds of moral piety and your lack of a subscription.
I have never smeared Republicans. I have always voted Republican (since I have voted). It is true I do not worship people because of their political views, nor will I call evil "good" simply because of political leanings.
Try again, Buttercup.
How about some New Testament scripture to show it is fine with God to kill our enemies.
Won't find it here:
Ye have heard that it hath been said,
Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you.
Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you.
and pray for them that despitefully use you,
and persecute you;
Matthew 5:43-44
or here:
be not overcome of evil,
but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21
or here:
But love ye your enemies,
and do good,
and lend,
hoping for nothing again:
and your reward shall be great,
and ye shall be the children of the Highest:
for he is kind unto the unthankful
and to the evil.
Luke 6:35
or here:
Let all your things be done with charity.
1 Corinthians 16:14
I never called you a cold blooded murder. I called you buttercup. That is a term of affection, Buttercupone minute I am a cold-blooded murderer and the next I am a buttercup. Make up your mind.
I never called you a cold blooded murder. I called you buttercup. That is a term of affection, Buttercup.
Since you decided to make up things about me, about how I view Republicans, I thought I would return the favor.
I imagine you giving your shirt to one who takes your coat, loving your enemies, .....you know....doing Christian stuff.
I said a year before you were here that Christians are supposed to be imitators of Christ.Don’t be silly. I said years before you were here that Bush should have had military tribunals. Bush is finished.
I said a year before you were here that Christians are supposed to be imitators of Christ.
What does that have to do with your absurd notion that I slander Republicans?
One is as false an the other, I suppose. So it does not matter.I said smear, not slander.
One is as false an the other, I suppose. So it does not matter.