I don't know about you folks, BUT, when I open my PC and read this article and most recent Trump accusation, I immediately questioned the validity of it. There is no way that President Trump would have made this ludicrous comment, and if he had made this comment, nothing short of his resignation from the Office of President of the United States of America would satisfy me.
So, not only did I have to be angry at the magazine for printing this Enquirer type of garbage, I was even more upset with Biden for permitting himself to not only believe such a ridiculous comment and making an ANGRY attack on President Trump. Because if Biden even had an inkling that this was true, his decision to "blow his stack" over such an unproven comment, invalid comment shows me that Biden would not be deserving of my vote, because I could see him sending nukes to an adversarial country on the basis of a ridiculous, unproven comment. BIDEN SCARED ME, and showed me he was NOT CAPABLE OR WORTHY OF BEING POTUS of these United states of America!
WHAT SAY YOU ON THIS LATEST HATE TRUMP ACCUSATION???…/trump-americans-who-d…/615997/
I don't know about you folks, BUT, when I open my PC and read this article and most recent Trump accusation, I immediately questioned the validity of it. There is no way that President Trump would have made this ludicrous comment, and if he had made this comment, nothing short of his resignation from the Office of President of the United States of America would satisfy me.
So, not only did I have to be angry at the magazine for printing this Enquirer type of garbage, I was even more upset with Biden for permitting himself to not only believe such a ridiculous comment and making an ANGRY attack on President Trump. Because if Biden even had an inkling that this was true, his decision to "blow his stack" over such an unproven comment, invalid comment shows me that Biden would not be deserving of my vote, because I could see him sending nukes to an adversarial country on the basis of a ridiculous, unproven comment. BIDEN SCARED ME, and showed me he was NOT CAPABLE OR WORTHY OF BEING POTUS of these United states of America!
WHAT SAY YOU ON THIS LATEST HATE TRUMP ACCUSATION???…/trump-americans-who-d…/615997/