Scott Downey
Well-Known Member
They don't care do they about jobs, becuase they don't care about American workers anymore like the dems of old did. All they care about is the globalist agenda and new age socialismThey are now saying that Biden’s stupid energy policy could cost a million jobs. That senile old man is unfit for any job.
Trump, nationalism, America First and Christian Religion gets in the way of that, as it always does for socialists. They have taken over the power of the federal government and did you see the video of Biden signing the executive 'odors' in the oval office? All the important democrats standing around, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Klobuchar, silently feeding him order after order and him silently signing them. They know they have taken power in DC for now and none can stop them on earth. If democrat leaders want it, Biden will give it. IT is fairly depressing, their future is grim.