My family knows the feeling on medical arrogance and ignorance, and just plain inability to get things right! My father died of colon and lung cancers in June of 2000. I can't remember the exact month in 1999 or 2000 that he had his lung surgery at the hospital for MCG, but I DO remember that when he came out, the doctors who were operating on him had taken out 1/2 of the wrong lung. Because it was a state hospital, and my father had to have GA's assistance and that of Medicare as well, we could not sue the hospital for malpractice. It was infuriating, and it further cemented my animosity towards the medical establishment. Then when my sister had influenza and another vaccination in 2015, she contracted Guillaume-Barr syndrome and was paralyzed for several months and nearly died. The sister who was taking care of her had just been screened for breast cancer, and they said all was well. It wasn't. They ended up diagnosing her with breast cancer just 6 weeks later. Again, it was infuriating. Because of their negligence in diagnosing it she didn't have the advantage of having it diagnosed early. She passed away from it in June of 2019, just a few days before her 32 wedding anniversary (she was buried on that day) and her 53rd birthday. All of these things have led my family not to be very trusting of doctors. My own doctor is aware of my feelings, and he knows how to deal with me. He's even advised me not to take the vaccine because of the high recovery rates. I have underlying medical conditions, as does my wife. Still, I will decline to take the vaccine.