Did y'all hear that loud "thud"?
That was me falling out of my chair over the realization that TND and Poncho agreed on something....
I think we've always agreed on the basics Don. I don't like what Obama and the democrats have been doing to this country anymore than he does. I think we just disagree when it comes to what we each tend to focus on.
I'm tired of the all the leftie vs rightie mind games being played on us all, conservatives and liberals alike. It tears me up to see how we keep letting these clowns in government and the media keep us divided and arguing amongst ourselves while they're busy stealing our eye teeth and our children's future.
The left loves to hate the right and the right loves to hate the left. We've been going about this business of hating each other for decades and where has it got us?
I'm sick of seeing everyone play by these sickos rules. It doesn't have to be like that. Does it? It shouldn't be that way. Should it?
I know we'll never agree on everything. That's not the point. We can debate all that later. There has to be some kind of starting point, some common ground that we can find to unite against tyranny as a nation. We're all in this together aren't we? We're all losers in this game being played on us, democrats and republicans alike and it's not going to change until our focus does.
We're all going down the same road to national destruction screaming and hollering at each other about who's better suited to lead us there. I don't know maybe it's just meant to be like I keep hearing from some others here. Maybe it's not in our power to make a difference. I don't know. All I know and I don't even know if I know this anymore.
We'll never know if we can make a difference unless we try. I'm just sick of all the mind games and bickering. I'm an American, you're an American, democrats are Americans, republicans are Americans and we're all letting a bunch of boobs in three piece suits and bullet proof limos turn us into mindless bickering factions while they rob us blind and set us up to be their slaves.
I don't know about you all but the idea of being a slave to a bunch of psychopaths in fine clothes we keep empowering by playing by their rules doesn't much appeal to me.
I don't know anymore. Maybe I am as crazy as people say I am for thinking this way.
But I'll say it one more time anyway. Wake up people. Climb out of the false left vs right paradigm that's been pulled over our eyes and take a good look at who is really pulling all the strings.
Call it a conspiracy or just call it human nature the people at the top of the power structure have always taken advantage of the people's trust in them.
And we've always known that.