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Big GOP Gala with porn star scheduled for tonight

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by LadyEagle, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Or they might have repented and wanted to go legitimate as the mafia did when they went into the hotel business in Las Vegas. I should imagine that most porn stars would be Democrats since the Democrats are the party of anything goes and if one of them accidently got pregnant she would want an abortion, something only the Democrats are gung ho about.

    But I think you have a good point, Mioque. The GOP is good for business. Maybe the pornographers are rich enough to be listed on Wall Street now.
  2. paidagogos

    paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Do you really think the Republicans are seriously anti-abortion or is it just vote rhetoric? Wonder how many of Republican bigwigs' daughters have had abortions?
  3. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    "I should imagine that most porn stars would be Democrats since the Democrats are the party of anything goes"
    I haven't taken a census, but I'd be surprised if there isn't an informal pornpracticioner equivalent of the Logcabbin Republicans among the Republican party.

    "if one of them accidently got pregnant she would want an abortion, something only the Democrats are gung ho about."
    If one is rich getting an abortion has NEVER been difficult.
  4. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Do you really think the Republicans are seriously anti-abortion or is it just vote rhetoric? Wonder how many of Republican bigwigs' daughters have had abortions? </font>[/QUOTE]VOTE RHETORIC, naturally:) All politicians are that way really, when push comes to shove. That above all is my biggest concern. It seems to me that so many Christians have hooked up with Bush and the Republican party because of a few issues. They don't see they are being bought and sold like cattle and slaves.

    I hate abortion. It is murder! I love babies and I hate abortion. There are a lot of people who want to adopt and there are very few good reasons for abortion. That being said, I don't want our government taking away my right to choose for myself. The more rights they take away from me, the more likely they are to take more and more and before you know it, they will start telling me what to think and how to feel and what religion is right and what ones are wrong. I really don't want that to happen.

    So, I'm ready to let all people have the free will God gave to everyone. I see no need to take away what God has given.
  5. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    Which is it...a right, or murder?

    You say you believe abortion is murder, but you also claim to have a right to do it. I'm sorry, but you can not have it both ways. Either it is murder and therefore should be treated as such, or it is a right under the Constitution.

    If you truly believe it to be murder, then please point me to the Constitutional article which states we have an inherent right to murder.

    Liberal Christian rhetoric. Playing to both sides.

    I can no more say what you just said, as a Christian, than to say that rape is wrong, yet it should be protected by law.

    Both are wrong and both should be stopped!

    I think you are just trying to make yourself feel better about your position, and act like Pontius Pilate, by wiping your hands of the situation. Pilate saw that Christ was not guilty, yet he let him be crucified anyway. You see that abortion is murder, yet you believe it sould be a right. Please tell me, what is the difference you see here?

    In your view, is murder right and to be protected, or is murder wrong and to be stopped? You can not ride the fence on this issue.
  6. TisHerself

    TisHerself Guest

    Which is it...a right, or murder?

    You say you believe abortion is murder, but you also claim to have a right to do it. I'm sorry, but you can not have it both ways. Either it is murder and therefore should be treated as such, or it is a right under the Constitution.

    If you truly believe it to be murder, then please point me to the Constitutional article which states we have an inherent right to murder.

    Liberal Christian rhetoric. Playing to both sides.

    I can no more say what you just said, as a Christian, than to say that rape is wrong, yet it should be protected by law.

    Both are wrong and both should be stopped!

    I think you are just trying to make yourself feel better about your position, and act like Pontius Pilate, by wiping your hands of the situation. Pilate saw that Christ was not guilty, yet he let him be crucified anyway. You see that abortion is murder, yet you believe it sould be a right. Please tell me, what is the difference you see here?

    In your view, is murder right and to be protected, or is murder wrong and to be stopped? You can not ride the fence on this issue.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Hi Bro James Reed!

    There are certain things we can control and certain things we cannot control. Unless you have once been a young pregnant girl who doesn not know God, who does not have a loving and caring family, then you cannot say you know anything about what a woman goes through when it comes to abortion. My best girlfriend in high school was raped by her uncle. She became pregnant. Everything about this situation was horrid! She finally went and had an illegal abortion (ok, I'm dating myself here:). She later died of complications. I sat with her and listened to her prayers. Yes, she was a Christian girl. She was torn. She had just been raped by a respected member of her family... another Christian... he was an elder of our church. Anyway, she thought about keeping the baby but feared some awful malformations due to her mother's brother being the father. She didn't tell me she was going to have the abortion because she knew I would be upset and I would try to talk her out of it. Fortunately, I was there when she fell ill and was able to get her to a hospital and sit with her until her death.

    I don't pretend to know the minds of all women with unwanted pregnancies, but forcing them to have babies may be as evil as forcing them to have abortions. Or raping them. What they do, what sins they commit, is none of our concern. That is between them and God... ONLY! I can only say I wish my friend had a place to go to carry out her abortion in a clean and safe environment. I never passed judgement on her for what she did. She was a beautiful person and a loving Christian who was sinned against and caught in an awful situation.

    If the sinner lives to see another day, that is another day in which the light that shines from a Christian life can reach them and save them.
  7. Bro. James Reed

    Bro. James Reed New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
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    There are certain things we can control and certain things we cannot control. Unless you have once been a young pregnant girl who doesn not know God, who does not have a loving and caring family, then you cannot say you know anything about what a woman goes through when it comes to abortion.

    Never said I did, but I also do not know what it is like to murder a store clerk while robbing him, but I can still make judgments on that person.

    My best girlfriend in high school was raped by her uncle. She became pregnant. Everything about this situation was horrid! She finally went and had an illegal abortion (ok, I'm dating myself here:). She later died of complications. I sat with her and listened to her prayers. Yes, she was a Christian girl. She was torn. She had just been raped by a respected member of her family... another Christian... he was an elder of our church. Anyway, she thought about keeping the baby but feared some awful malformations due to her mother's brother being the father. She didn't tell me she was going to have the abortion because she knew I would be upset and I would try to talk her out of it. Fortunately, I was there when she fell ill and was able to get her to a hospital and sit with her until her death.

    A very sad situation made only worse by killing an innocent party. Had she delivered the baby, chances are your friend would around today. Was it worth it? Should you get an abortion because you think your baby might be deformed? My best friend is handicapped with neurofibromitosis. It causes tumors to grow all over and in his body. He is now blind because of it, and living a very happy life (just graduated from college), yet none of that would have happened if his mother had excercised her "right" to end her pregnancy because she was afraid her son would turn out the way he did.

    What really gets me is that you would continue to allow this barbaric practice to go unaverted based on one bad incidence involving a rape by a family member. Do you know how many of the 4,000 abortions each day were done because the mother was raped by a family member? I'd bet the number is more miniscule than the amount of money I have in the bank.

    I don't pretend to know the minds of all women with unwanted pregnancies, but forcing them to have babies may be as evil as forcing them to have abortions. Or raping them.

    Yes, forcing them to not murder their own children. How barbaric of us. :rolleyes:

    What they do, what sins they commit, is none of our concern. That is between them and God... ONLY!

    So then, by your logic, we should not try to stop a murderer or prosecute them? If someone attempts to murder you, it is none of your business? It is between them and God? :rolleyes:

    I can only say I wish my friend had a place to go to carry out her abortion in a clean and safe environment. I never passed judgement on her for what she did. She was a beautiful person and a loving Christian who was sinned against and caught in an awful situation.

    That still does not excuse her for killig her baby.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, but she took the gamble when she chose to get an abortion.

    Should a murderer be provided a clean, sanitary place to kill his murder victims to prevent him from catching diseases and such?

    Should we pass out condoms to child molestors so they can rape little girls without catching or spreading diseases?

    Why should we make things easier on those who would commit crimes?

    If the sinner lives to see another day, that is another day in which the light that shines from a Christian life can reach them and save them.

    Yes, but I would also like to stop them from making a horrible mistake by killing their baby before I try to save them.

    [ July 05, 2005, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Bro. James Reed ]