Not much RD2. I hadn't posted on here in quite a while so thought I'd take another chance by posting on Billy Graham but I see that nothing much has changed. If I were to post on here that 'Right is Right and Left is Left' it wouldn't be but about 10 minutes and someone would come on telling that, "NO..., RIGHT IS RIGHT AND LEFT IS WRONG!"
Folks come on here telling that Billy Graham was this and he was that and he compromised and he didn't do this and he didn't do that and the rhetoric goes on and on and on with most of it negative. Interesting though that absolutely NOT ONE naysayer has said anything about Billy Graham's Gospel Messages being in error! In my humble opinion Graham DID preach the truth. Isn't that what all preachers are supposed to do?
The issue never was about Billy's message. No fundamentalist ever said his message was wrong. On the other hand, it was exactly this defense that Billy and his defenders made: the message is right, so who cooperates with them does not matter.
Lest you object, that is exactly what Billy said in a letter to John R. Rice in 1956, I believe. I have a jpeg of it in my files, and may be able to quote from it so that we all get the history right. I have done research in this very subject at the Billy Graham archives at Wheaton and the John R. Rice papers at Southwestern in Fort Worth.
In that Times Article I read they did provide a Picture of one of his crusades in South Korea where it was estimated that ONE POINT FIVE MILLION people were in attendance. 1.5 million on ONE night instead of for the entire crusade. It was an awesome picture to say the least and most inspiring. Inspiring to me at least and I do remember reading that during the late 1970's/early 1980's South Korea recognized a surge of Christen awareness.
And I thank God for that, as John R. Rice and many others did. I was just talking with my aunt (one of JRR's daughters), and she told me how thrilled JRR was and excited at all the souls being saved all throughout the 1940's and 1950's.
So, Bob Jones didn't like Graham. I do suppose he got over it though. Personally, I do believe that Graham was a great preacher as God did bless him for a special calling. Now-a-days we have multi-mega-million dollar preachers tickling the ears of many and sending then straight into the pits of hell.
Actually, Bob Jones Sr. loved Billy, as did John R. Rice, and he loved them. I could quote from letters proving this. What he and the other fundamentalists objected to was not his message, not him personally, but his associations with men like John Bonnell. I have a sweet letter from 1956 from Billy to JRR explaining exactly his position about that and why he did it. Maybe I can share it later.
When Bob Jones Sr. died, I have been told that Billy attended the funeral.
At the JRR funeral, Billy and his wife sent a huge wreath of roses, apologizing that they were in Europe and could not attend. The BG Evangelistic Association sent a separate flower arrangement. (I was there and saw them.)
RD2, you have a good one my friend and may God Bless! Oh, and don't forget..., we can thank England for our July 4th Holiday.
Happy 4th!